Keep Club Daily Collectathon

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by PeterMJ, May 18, 2021.

  1. I think making the club collectathon daily quest should become a regular event since it gives people that don’t spend money a chance to get the pim keys which are otherwise difficult or next to impossible to obtain without spending $$$ 👀
    Brenley5 likes this.
  2. Cc clubs get all the rewards anyway, further incentivizing spending. It gives you a crumb but I don't think it levels the playing field at all.
  3. I do enjoy watching people in top cat clubs talk about how great it is that ata is rewarding non spenders with this xc.
  4. Nothing will ever level the playing field between people playing for free and people willing to pay. That’s the reward they get for paying. It makes sense that they get top rewards, they’re literally buying it.
  5. 🤦I ain't saying the field has to be level, but more level than it is.
    It currently causes problems on the app, big issues of fairness.
  6. Fairness? What is fair in a game when you’re comparing people who pay to play against people who don’t?
  7. Well, if there are supposed to be competitive aspects that are exciting and enjoyable
    And then you introduce p2w(pay-to-win) options to such a high extent that they are essentially necessary to win, and completely devalue any skill one can show, then you ruin that sense of competitiveness, and the exciting idea about you potentially being good enough to leave a mark.

    Idk what games you play where opening your wallet just wins everything but I have a problem with that as someone who likes to compete. When I come across peoples profiles, I often have to strike certain achievements that may have otherwise been respetable or impressive due to a significant amount of spending assisting them.

    Money spent is no indication of skill and it devalues achievements especially in competitive areas.
  8. Many games are still fair despite having things to spend money on (bought bonuses), and there are many ways to implement that fairness.

    Some examples include:
    Having separate worlds or leaderboards for "subscribed" accounts.
    Stripping away bought bonuses in official tournaments, ranked play, etc., and only allowing them in PvE or sandbox-like areas of the game.
    Bought bonuses being exclusively aesthetic.
    Bought bonuses being easily measurable and indicated.
    Bought bonuses having a reduced impact on competitive, inter-player interactions.
    Muschi likes this.
  9. But this isn’t a competitive game? This is more of a casual game. There’s no winning it. You’re not paying to win. You’re paying to have higher stats and still do the same stuff as everyone else... this isn’t like a win lose game and you’re always a loser unless you pay. I play one other game on my phone and you play against yourself. Anything else I play is over Xbox, usually live, which leaves a clear winner/loser. That’s not this game lol so that’s why I don’t understand this idea of what’s fair. The people paying have more things in their showcase and high stats and then they’re still playing the same game everyday doing the same stuff like there’s no win lose unless you’re working pvp which no one really ever does. Getting badges of achievement here translates to amount of time wasted, NOT amount of skill required. So I don’t find it impressive whether they pay or not.
  10. I'm talking about pvp, which many people do, and is what all the items and stats we build go towards.. and also showcase item collecting.

    Apart from that, there's just parties and in those, everyone is basically equal so no drama there.

    Also to yoir point about time: you can see how long a player has been playing on their profile, so you can compare what they've achieved to how long they had to do it.
    Muschi and V_Witchy_101 like this.
  11. 🤦🏻‍♀️ This conversation started over leaderboards being dominated by paying players. Not pvp being “won” by high stats. But again, even with pvp, there’s no real end to it, so how can anyone be declared a winner? Lol
    So my point... this isnt a game to win or lose. It’s a game to play casually, to waste time. The people willing to pay deserve to get more. That is fair. The people that don’t want to pay should stop complaining about not getting as much as the people who do.
  12. Why are people afraid to argue with their main account ??? It’s funny.
  13. I do argue with my main account. Pretty frequently. But I’m working on an alt right now sooooo
  14. Literally all games that have the ability to buy things for real money become pay to win. Theres no way to stop that without removing all items from buying with real money but then game devs will go bankrupt
    Phobia likes this.
  15. Capitalism sux
    Phobia likes this.
  16. Also, I will say ATA has done something almost exactly like @Kefo is describing before. It was immensely popular and people were really pleased and then they never did it again.

    It was a leaderboard strategy for the Easter Eden hunt. If you look in the thread, it'll have a section on Fancy Easter Eggs with 3 different colored eggs. One color dropped from EC parties, one dropped from POTD, and another from PPOTD. There were separate leaderboards for each individual color.

    Now, these leaderboards were also based on individual players, but this could easily be reformatted for clubs. The rewards were also slightly tiered too, in respect to EC having more than PPOTD having more than POTD, but they were still pretty similar and overall rewarded a more monetarily diverse group of players than the typical leaderboard.

    Let me see if I can look through the Stories Tiers and Rewards thread* to locate the specific post will all the final rewards from the Easter Eden hunt. Please hold. I will either edit this post or I'll post another depending on if I run out of time to edit.

    *Edit: Found it! Yellow was POTD, blue was PPOTD, and pink was EC parties.
    Phobia likes this.