An Idea:Male/Female tokens for hunt boxes.

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by IlISofia_Raven_MidnightIlI, Jan 14, 2020.


Male/Female Avatar hunt box tokens?

Poll closed Jan 28, 2020.
  1. Good idea

    16 vote(s)
  2. Bad idea

    6 vote(s)
  1. I just think it would be nice to have the option of getting a token for $1,000 pimd cash for either a male avatar or female avatar. Sorta like when the story like or the shards are done. Just the last couple of hunts i had wanted the female avatar but got male instead. If you want both then you wont need the token. Just an idea. 🤷‍♀️
  2. I'm not opposed but it should cost way more than 1000 pimd cash. More like 50-100ec.
    Carrie, Alicia and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  3. Yeah I don't think it'll be in pimd cash.
    Carrie and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  4. No support
    Puppers, Carrie, iPandaa and 3 others like this.
  5. Support af

  6. I think that is too pricey and not really fair to the ones who just enjoy the game for free and not put money into this. I mean I feel ata definitely get the cash they need. An option that is good that isn’t extremely expensive would be nice. Not everyone can afford to put money into apps.
  7. I mean. It's not a necessary feature so it makes sense that it would cost something.
    Carrie, Muschi, Maddi_Matsu and 2 others like this.
  8. Were you never told “You get what you get & you don’t throw a fit”?
    Carrie likes this.

  9. It doesn’t make sense that sometimes you are allow to choose your avatar gender but not all the time.

    honestly no I didn’t why because I didn’t have to be given something I didn’t want/like. I like everything given but options is nice.

    My overall point being is giving people a chance to choose the avatar they like best. Options just seems fair to me
  10. I honestly think that ATA would never do this. It's likely to bring more harm than good financially.

    If say, someone wanted the female avi from a box. They open 10, only to get the male avi. They decide to open more boxes, say another 10, and finally get the female avi. If ATA implements this feature, they'll lose out on these 10 additional box opens.

    To be very blunt with you, ATA would be crazy to implement this feature.
    Muschi, Carrie and Maddi_Matsu like this.
  11. I wish 10 boxes were enough to get an avi =[ over a hundred boxes I opened once and never got the male or female box avi
  12. Hit F in the chat for respek bois
  13. With the fact that ata put the hunt avatars in boxes after earning so many items it took away being able to get the male and female avatar. I liked getting both because sometimes I like the female other times I like the male. I am bringing this up for more discussion.

    If ata is going to keep the avatars in the boxes after so many items then give us the option of getting a gender token each hunt so if we like the female avatar that hunt we can get it after collecting 8k-16k (8k for normal 16k for vip) to me that way you still gotta collect items but you get to pick the gender that the box drops. Either that or please take the avatars back out of the boxes so we still get the male and female and use the one we like best
    Puppers likes this.
  14. I agree with this. I have read that some people do wish they could have the male avatar but get the female avatar instead and visa versa.
  15. The whole reason for the boxes is so once you get the avi you don't like, you will keep playing and collecting in order to get the other.
    Muschi likes this.
  16. Even if you do keep playing to try for the vip avatar chances are you wont get the gender you want.

    another thing is to include the gender token in the rewards. Say you need to collect 8k for the avatar and get both male key and female key to unlock the avatar box

    I mean just like they do for the chinese zodiac, the western zodiac, the Greek, the birth stone.

    collect 8k items to get avatar box and use gender key to open box that is also dropped but can only use key once.

    so when you get 16k you will get a gender key for that avatar too
  17. You got female this hunt.

    Also, it’s gonna be a no dawg. What’s the point of buying the token and getting what avi you want? None (from the devs’ pov). Work hard for what you want, or hit higher-paying parties to get more drops.
    RoseMilkTea likes this.
  18. I mean. Idk if this thread is the reason that there are Tokens in the first place but they're there for the monthly avis.

    Im not exactly sure when these tokens were first introduced. Theyre still new to me. 🤧
  19. People have been asking for this for ages, and there's a reason ATA hasn't taken this into consideration and implemented something like this.

    If we do end up seeing something like this, they will release it so it benefits them (costing ecs) and not just players who don't like what they get.
    LeeJarrett and Seriously like this.