What is jam

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by WhoTfIsWesday, Nov 12, 2020.


Have you tried jam?

  1. I have tried jam

    5 vote(s)
  2. I'm a fucking heathen

    0 vote(s)
  1. Jam is made from cooking fruit and sugar in a pot and it takes lirily hrs. Jelly you tip the granules into a bowl tip boiling water in stir it till the granules disolve then put in the fridge till set. Takes fuck all time
  2. You're thinking of jello not jelly. They're different. They may be called different things in Canada/US vs wherever you're from again
  3. Its called jelly here
  4. Otay. Not the thing that rosie and I meant when we use the term jelly
  5. I so badly was tryna find a picture of an open one of these but i couldn't 😭 but if they have these where you are, this is what I jelly is to me


  6. Looks like jam
  7. It's clear inside. Jam, in Canada, has seeds or bits of fruit in it often. Jelly is completely clear and soft. But they both get put in desserts and on toast
    RoseMilkTea likes this.
  8. is this man human
  9. Yehh it completely clear. The thingy you put looks like the spread pack thingys camping grounds have some times
  10. Oh weird! I haven't seen that brand before. I think all of those are called jello here
  11. looks like jello
    RoseMilkTea likes this.
  12. [​IMG]
    The top purple one is jelly, bottom left is jam and bottom right is preserves. By canadian terms anyway
  13. Mhm. Just a qt oddball
  14. Remember when people kept making weird shit with jello?
    Edit: I mean, I doubt any of us were alive but I'm sure yall have heard

    Also, unnecessary side note. But jam has always been my preference
  15. Weird shit like what? Jello shots are kind of weird ig but that's all I can think of

    Homemade jam is best. Storebought tastes weird in comparison to what friends mom's can make
    RoseMilkTea likes this.
  16. Like shrimp or tuna with lime jello. Crab salad, lots of seafood for some reason.

    Look up vintage jello recipes, I couldn't find a good link with everything that wasn't pinterest or a life story, but the pics won't disappoint

    Also if you Google aspic, just as equally, if not more disgusting.
    WhoTfIsWesday likes this.
  17. [​IMG]
    Idk how good can see it but this is jam here. Think the same as you
  18. I mean what kind of jam? Be specific
  19. Allegedly blueberry but because of how strong the lemon is it just has a general kind of jam taste. Where you can tell it's there from the sweet but you can't rly tell what jam flavour in particular