Persons of Color only is a safe space open to all persons of color. Join today and engage in meaningful chat with likeminded individuals, hit back to back parties, and enjoy the comfort and safety of knowing you’re among friends. POC avatars are required to join.
'only people with a black avi can join'. But theres a dude ehite a white avi bij your club. You the only 1 with adding powers
Yehh. Asian not black. Ive seen loads of white asians. Your just plain stupid. Cut your racist shit or dont be siprized if ata shuts down your club themself
No. I mean, this thread doesn't need to exist. I get the sentiment, but this is just a glorified club banner and should go in the club banner thread. But no, this isn't racist. Creating a safe space (or space that caters ONLY to) poc (specifically Black, or anyone that isn't white) isn't racist. Exclusion is not oppression.
You're* If you're (not your. Read again) going to call someone out on their intellect, at least double check your spelling before you do so. And she said POC, not only black. That means that anybody that isn't wh*te is welcome.
And if it was flipped and was. Only white people alowed. Yous would be flipping shit. It goes both ways. If she thinks its only safe if around other black people then shes also part of the problem
You don't get to call out a double standards when that was the norm, you uneducated anal bead. "whites only" is real and existed/exists and the primary function of that was segregation and oppression. She is creating a safe space for POC and is perfectly valid in doing so. There is NO DOUBLE STANDARD. die mad about it hombre.