️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices + Questions ️

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, May 28, 2018.

  1. 17-19 🍱 on the 999, 6-8 🍱 for the 499
    Akali109, 999102, 71424 and 11 others like this.
  2. Anyone know Carnival Dancers Lamp's price? Thanks
  3. Buying Grunge Chic 999 Balcony on a Foggy City WMO
  4. 6-8c

    If you are selling please use this thread.
    Akali109, 999102, 71424 and 11 others like this.
  5. Looking to buy The Witching hour furniture: Bed, Plant, Above plant, and Top shelf.
    Wall me if ur selling!
  6. Please use the correct thread πŸ’•
    Akali109, 999102, 71424 and 13 others like this.
  7. Price check on liminal owl 499 and loft n found 999 plsπŸ™‚
  8. Ksjfnkddhjhjgfckfge Hitchens send e
  10. Price check:

    Hologlamour 999
    Co-Z Relaxation 999
    Lv 2 Celestia 999 not ladder
    Fyuu-Tchorr 999
    Co-Z Desk, Bed, 499
  11. Price check for RavenGhast furniture
    Above Bed lvl2
    Lamp lvl4
    Nightstand lvl4
    Top/Bottom Shelf lvl3
    Mid shelf lvl4
    Above Desk
    Plant lvl2
    Above plant lvl2
    Chair lvl2
  12. Price check for arc-en-ceil rug I think it’s called x
  13. Oh I forgot snoozing puppies as well, someone tried selling it for 12b but I’m sure that’s way overpriced x
  14. Price check on last hunts 999 swinging in paradise please?❀️
  15. Price check for Balcony in the Sky 999 from champagne box
  16. 1c
  17. price check for arc-en-ciel nook 999 level 1
  18. 9-12 🍱, 18-20 🍱

    8-10c, 3c

    15-17 🍱, 14-18 🍱, 30-35 🍱, 20-25 🍱, 4-6 🍱, 3-4 🍱, 8-12 🍱.

    As is the case with all leveled furniture, the price will be the base cost and cost to upgrade. So for example, a level 2 499 that has a base price of 6-7 🍱, would be 8-10 🍱 at level 2. Since with leveled furniture I like to assume that it was leveled with recycle priced furniture.

    1-2 🍱. And like I mentioned above, the 499 should be around 8-12 🍱, which isn’t OP considering it once sold for 30 oof.

    20-25 🍱

    40+ 🍱
    Akali109, 999102, 71424 and 11 others like this.
  19. Thank you though I want the Fyuu-Tchorr 999 I've seen people selling it for 45-60b and thanks for the pricing on the others I can now sell without having to guess
  20. Price Check On
    Witching Hour Plant
    Balcony In The Sky 999
    Unicorn Nebula 999