When it's late at night and I want to brush my teeth, I use my manual toothbrush because I'm worried that my 60yr old neighbour will think I'm being inappropriate if she hears my electric one. Your turn.
When I'm being inappropriate and my roommate decides to come home, I take my vibrator into the shower where she can't hear. Maybe turn on the shower and your neighbor won't hear the toothbrush.
Before I start an argument I will pick a random word and get them to say it and once I've accomplished that I just leave and move on to the next person. For example I'll pick the word "glove" and I'll start an argument about something random like the best engine for a sports car and just keep it going until I steer the argument off course enough to where they mention "glove" without me hinting at it or mentioning it. Sometimes it takes a few minutes or a few days, I think the longest I've gone was like 2 months until they typed the word I picked and I just stopped replying and moved on to the next person and picked a new word
Sometimes I feel like I can hear random people’s thoughts so if they make eye contact I tell them what I hear. When they give me that wtf look... I tell them that it was just a good guess. I rarely wait around to see if I was correct or not. I like leaving some mysteries unsolved.