Daily Rewards suggestion

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Jubilee_Sunflower, Aug 28, 2019.

  1. I think it would be pretty neat if PIMD has daily rewards like a weekly or monthly reward system ☺️. Simple stuff like a dn or ec then progress to bigger rewards like a free box or key.
    Natty, Statuesque and Rizky like this.
  2. I feel like they kind of do, the lite boxes. You get 2/day, and if you log on everyday, you occasionally get extra rewards like dns or story drops or an extra lite box.
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  3. True true, even though a good item isn’t always guaranteed, it’s something.
  4. it would be cool to have a daily login bonus! would definitely give incentive to play more and therefore would probably increase overall sales.

  5. Wasn’t a thread about this made like a month or so ago?
    Rizky likes this.
  6. Ummm lite boxs? Spinner? There's also a thingy you can buy and get even more daily rewards. Theres already loads don't be greedy
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  7. If you want incentive to play every day, I can farm you. If our stats arr too far apart, go and sf people and see if you can snag yourself a rival.

    Fairying is so boring that a.t.a had to make lite boxes to keep you lames entertained because you were too chicken to entertain yourselves.
    Keroppi likes this.
  8. I looked around there’s actually been 2 other threads about it made this year, neither had very positive responses. (Link 1) (Link 2)
  9. Thanks 💕 didn’t know if there was another thread or not. It was just a thought that popped in my head. Not trying to be greedy, just curious 🙏🏾