[GUIDE] New Bypass Rule Demystified

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Ryan, Mar 1, 2018.

  1. Damn that quotes sounds like Jaco
  2. Ryan nice examples.
  3. Apparently 8675309 is something you can get silenced for
  4. Its probly some one phone number
  5. Damn, maybe it is me.
  6. Thank you  I had a lot of fun making this tbh
  7. Ah well
    Ryan and Kefo like this.
  8. Mhm mhm
    Ryan likes this.
  9. this got liked after 2 years
    WhoTfIsWesday, Ryan and Muschi like this.
  11. No.
  12. Who are u? Bc unless ur a mod or dev stop
  13. I'm a honor student. But anyway. You posted it in the forum for regular community members to reply though. Forums is for communicating with the community, not devs. If you want a dev to reply then send a help ticket.
  14. I tried but I was literally banned for nothing so I cant chat with anyone
  15. You can't send a help ticket? By pressing the help button that's on the same pop-up as forums? If you still have access to this account, you should be able to send a help ticket on this account. Not on whichever account you got banned on though, as that one would be completely inaccessible even on forums.
  16. This is the acc that got banned. I sent a help ticket too
  17. It says its bc I claimed to be under 17 all I said was I'm a little which I am but I'm 19
  18. Do you mean silenced then? Banned is when your account is completely locked and you can't even get signed in. This thread explains the differences. It's an important distinction because people can't help you properly if you're not stating what occurred correctly.

    Also, that is breaking the rules so it sounds like you were silenced fairly. Littles, DD/LG, and ageplay are against the rules. And also mega cringe.
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  19. Yeah, probably because you're being a little on this app and that's a serious violation of the rules...

    You still aren't banned. You wouldn't be able to be having this conversation with me if you were. You're silenced.