Wooed Awakening

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Feb 6, 2019.

  1. I love this hunt!!! OMG, I hope I'll be part of the leaderboard again!!!
  2. Can someone please explain how the rite for u thing works???
  3. hit cupid and your 90’s magazines turn into quizzes
  4. Anyone actually selling puffs?
  5. Ohhhh the avatars are gorgeous
  6. We need a key chart.  which emoji is the most compatible.?
  7. A couple things to clarify about the RS side story:

    1. Cupid is actually a real player, not a dev - 24h ago she had no idea this was going to happen, but she has been a good sport. So please be nice to her.

    2. For the duration of this event it should be impossible to fail attacks against her so you can do your compatibility test.

    3. There are 7 levels of compatibility:
    Worst, bad, meh, decent, good, great, and bliss.
    They also are translated as the following emojis:
    poop, grimace, smile, blush smile, blowing kiss, heart face, and heart with arrow through it.

    For the purposes of the drops, Bliss is 2x as good as Worst, but you can still finish the stories with worst.

    You will also never lose quizzes, only gain them.
  8. Ata was like we’re gonna have the entirety of the app hitting you this hunt k? Surprise. P.S gonna have Wall posts af
  9. 1200 notes in total to get the VIP Ava?? Or 1200 more... Can I transform the 600 now and collect 600 more later or doesn't work. And I have to wait to have all to get the VIP one
  10. I'm not happy with the fact that yall didn't do avi bags where I can spend twenty dollars and get a GUARANTEED avatar. Greedy af Ata.
  11. Even existing bags aren’t guaranteed which avi you’d win. 6 options @ 200 ec each you could get the top avi for 200 or have to spend 1200 ec for the avi you wanted
  12. One chick spent 80 dollars just to get the VIP puff avi. I'm sorry that's just Ata greed. I'd rather get a random avi from a bag thanks. Much cheaper.
  13. Then like wait til the hype of the items dies down and purchase them in trades
  14. I was prepared to spend 20 dollars to get an avi bag even if I only got a common avi. I was prepared for that. I ain't happy with this spend over one hundred dollars on 1200 ec crap.
  15. Never be prepared tbh. Nothing is guaranteed. It sucks but there’s plenty of trading available without even spending irl money
  16. Yeah I'm trying to trade bento for puffs, but no one is selling. Not surprising.
  17. Give it a few days. It's hard finding sellers for everything on the first day.

    Plus, they'll get cheaper as the hunt goes on since there will be more of them.
  18. I can't add more magz even thogugh I got them by keep changing rs. Anyone knows why?
  19. Looking for STAT rs, MY STATS OR HIGHER. or close and upgrading.
  20. uh.. wrong forum...