TUTOR PRICES from The Tutor Guy!™

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by JETHRO_TheTutorGuy, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. I am not selling them thats why they are OP.
    Hehe. If i was selling them then it would be lower.
  2. It's pretty good pricing until u reach about 20ish bil for accurate prices please check out tutor trading guide by -gray-
  3. I liked this. I read Grays guide on tutor trading but your prices are much more accurate. In my opinion atleast.
  4. Nice work Jethro!!!! This definitely helps
  5. i agree the prices above 10bil is getting more and more op…

    I hav a tut to sell tho , 180kcs at only 83.3b do check it out if u wan , its active btwツ
  6. Not even room for a bump once i hire...not for me, thanks. : )
  7. I refer to this a lot! Thanks Jet! 
  8. I just want to say that I appreciate you putting prices on tuts under a bill. Its my only complaint about Grey's guide. I think some people forget that not everyone had been at this since time began.
  9. Good info. Thanks Jet
  10. Thank you Jet!!! 