CONTEST Toga Selfie

Discussion in 'Contests' started by ATAMarceline, Apr 19, 2017.

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  4. Code: Select all
  5. Now baby, it looks like your cat fishing . The irony of you actually having a statue and a toga ?
  7. Wrong msg
  8. Kylie jenner 2?
  9. *_*
  10. I'm too fat for this 
  11. Hahahaha 
  12. Code: Select All

  13. Oh man I've never worn a toga before, I'll have to do a pic especially for this contest like the wannabe I am :(
  14. You win.
  15. Haahhaaaa lmaooooo!!!!!
  16. ^Clearly the winner

  17. Every great Roman needs a lion so here's a pic of my little brother when he was younger with his mate. Moody much.
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