Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_I_-4m-G0IN6-7o-CHILL-y0U-__-, May 15, 2018.

  1. Idk about the rest but pretty sure Nick rarely ever fails on ya. You should know being vip prior, there's a 99% win rate. Not a 100%. You have the chance to fail at least 1 hit per 100
  2. I know. It’s a disarming post. It shows that I wasn’t dtw. Regardless, of how often he fails, I have to be up at some point for him to fail.

  3. Are you the same Nightmare that was in DEMOgorgoN and cf'd to TERROR?
  5. Ah, okay. Coz that N1GHTM4R3 was a hella lcbc noob
  6. Idk why yall all farming each other anyways. It's a game.
  7. Its a game that involves farming people if they chose to do so. That is literally why.
  8. For half a year, sometimes a year+. Y'all all need to talk it out, resolve y'all issues and gimme like 300 bentos
  9. Why talk it out when you can keep hitting ??‍♀️
  10. because jaco would rather cf and talk it out. ?
  11. it's a game for farming. there doesn't need to be an issue to "talk out" for someone to farm you. especially if it's a paid farmer, like they have no qualms with you


  12. Some people like farming instead of partying or a mix of the two. Its like saying why do parties if you've been doing them for 3 years straight? Its a part of the game they enjoy and so they do it.
  13. Honestly, there is nothing to talk out. They know they are wrong. The whole issue is an ego trip. I’m not breaking RS.... end of story. It does not change how I feel about the game and at this point even if they stopped farming me and “talked it out” I wouldn’t think any differently of the people involved so commence the hits. We don’t get along... we tried it. So back to the original question... how many sfw’s have you been in concurrently?
  14. There's a lot of things I'd rather do than be in a pointless sfw that's lasts for so long and wastes so much time. I'd rather have a mutual agreement... a treaty, ig... or even better, build an alliance. I'm more strategic than barbaric. I mean, Vice, you yourself aren't a farmer, you're more of a forumer. I understand that gaining the opposite sides items and stuff can be sold for hundreds of dollars, but you can get that easily by getting a job. People will make you mad in life, you have to co-op with it. Idk, maybe I'm thinking too grown up like.
  15. There's no point in hitting though. Virtual items aren't worth it
  16. I didn't mean your individual sfw, lol. I meant the club sfws
  17. Jaco, no one cares about your bs

    Also stop making so many alts jeez
  18. No, no one cares about you. There is no bs. Go play wit some Legos. Grown folks are having a conversation.

    Can all you parents out their monitor your children's net activity? All these fast ass little girls just wanna act grown and be thots at early ages nowadays. It's very shameful.
  19. Says the 12 year old kid