[Guide] List of Mods / HS / Devs

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Muschi, Apr 17, 2019.

  1. As @Day said, it refers to the "Asian" server, which consists not just of Asia but any non-English speaking country. I actually explain this in my original post! ;)
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  2. It's been updated! Got rid of some old mods, added some new devs, and took note of any IGN changes. Also added a new header, some more spoilers to cut down on unnecessary scrolling, and separated the Asian Campus and U.S. Campus mods.

    Thanks to @-iLyssaTheGummyBearKissa- for editing the thread to add my updates. 💟
  3. Quite a helpful thread!Thank you💙🙆
  4. thank ü
    jacesushi likes this.
  5. I would love to have an application for moderator position. I think I could do a great job. I love helping everyone when I can. And I am pretty familiar with the rules and regulations of the game. Ign DemisSuperman
  6. Keep an eye out in forums for when the devs are looking for new moderators 👍 They will post mod applications then
  7. MODERATOR:. -QUINN- Changed name.
    Now She is @QUINN
    Don't get confused between ign coz Someone eles has '-QUINN-' Ign and she is not MOD.

    Sorry for posting this. I'm just curious.
    Rainie and Muschi like this.
  8. It's been edited, thank you. Also everyone should keep in mind that mods can be identified by this badge in their awards section. Double check they have it if you want to be totally sure.
  9. Hi Just just want to say that Moderator,
    U.S. Campus
    Changed her IGN now she is @-x-KARA-x-

    Thankyou 🌹
  10. Updated, thank you
  11. @TRUplyer88
    Not sure if you saw this but hopefully this can help you.
  12. @_His-Queen_
    Its the thread you are looking for.
    Please go to page no. 1 and click the spoilers.
  13. Hello.!

    Moderator @_-ChoKing-_
    U.S. Campus.
    Changed IGN. Now he is @PapiCho

    MayaTheHopeful and Muschi like this.
  14. Hello..!!

    @NotYourJace (2020)
    Asian Campus.
    Changed IGN now she is @jacesushi

    MayaTheHopeful, Atlas and Muschi like this.
  15. Hello..!!

    Moderator @Sir (2020)
    Asian Campus.
    Changed IGN now he is @QueenSir

    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  16. Hello..!!

    Moderator @Queensir (2020)
    Asian Campus.
    Changed IGN he is back on his old IGN. now he is @Sir 😂 We love you @Sir ❤️

    MayaTheHopeful likes this.
  17. Can anyone please wall me whe they're taking applications for moderators 🥲🫂💖