Group Chat: It's a Thing!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Feb 14, 2019.

  1. I did that rigjt when beta ended 
  2. Make sure your account is ata or Facebook linked and delete/reinstall your app it should fix any issue, if not all there’s left is a help ticket
  3. oops sorry i meant to say left not need lol yea definitely no need for that
  4. Can you give the ability to search a friend because at the moment scrolling through is ridiculous
  5. All I need now, are friends
  6. Search them for what? Use the Meet People option
  7. When you update the app but have no friends and clearly is invisible to everyone. That's me ?
  8. Only app store?
  9. No, luckily
  10. Making my pimd super laggy.
  11. Petition to have the option to edit a group chat's name. Pls. K thnks.
  12. Petition to have the option to edit a group chat's name. Pls. K thnks.
  13. Are they all demo players in explanation pics are your secret rp accounts?
  14. You can change the name of any conversation!
    On android: tap on the conversation title to edit the name
    On iOS: you need to open the settings panel in the conversation, there should be a Rename button

    You're welcome ;)
  15. Ayy Luce is red named
  16. Kindly add search column in group chat because it's tough find friend to be added in group by scrolling.. just a suggestion..any support for me??
  17. Searching for a friend to add to chat is not easy, it reloads page too fast
  18. My suggestion would be having an option of searching for the person you want to add to the group chat. Where you could type their username in to find them. On my other accounts, and from what other people have told me, some people have extremely long friend lists. And not being able to search for the one person you're trying to add is pretty frustrating and why I won't be starting any group chats or adding people. That's just my suggestion and I am really glad ATA added this feature!!
  19. May I join your lame brain group, Marcie?