[COMING SOON] A Brand New Look!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 13, 2015.

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  2. Gurllllllll me too. Cuz. This...this right here is...nonsense
  3. Gold? More like trash.
  4. Keep in mind this is a UI update, and not features at this time.
  5. Question... Where did the forums button go?

  7. Noted. Are there any plans to make these two features available?
  8. It helps new players greatly, but it takes the fun from fishing and guiding away. Most moder apps are using it, we can agree on that but just because others use it, doesnt mean you have to use it too... The confusion was what made pimd unique... its what gave players the motivation to challenge themselves, ask about the game and learn!
  9. It's definitely something for consideration, but nothing is on the roadmap with gifting at the moment. We're focusing on getting this out smoothly right now.
  10. They have ads now. They don't need 2-3 year plus players to support them.

    Thats the whole point of moving the game to ad based revenues.
  11. looks so fruity? imma get confused with the new buttons and the locations
  12. Please give us an option in which layout we may use. I'm not alone when I say that people already dislike the current layout change from the spinner update. This update looks even worse and more childish. Why are we using angry and happy faces now? Is this a 5 year old game? This is meant for college students yet it's looking more childish as it gets updated.
  13. yep nobody cares about this trash. do you know how to listen to people and make your customers happy? youre doing a terrible job of that. nobody wants a new theme or layout. why would you even do it? its such a waste
  14. This please. Support! ?
  15. But I guess this update is to make you money since there's a quicker link to buying DNS and ec :lol:
  16. I don't like all these new updates

    Make it stahp?
  17. Btw, why make the relationship button one of the main features when we don't have regular updates for it. We barely ever get new relationship gifts and no new dates make that feature boring ?
  18. How is this an improvement? 
    An improvement is something that would make this game more enjoyable at this point considering you guys have ruined it pretty much. Listen to the community in regards to the direction this game goes. Why not do something that would really stir up the community? Like taking away parties for a week or something. That would be really new, several would enjoy it, and it would show you listen to the people who are in support of PvP. I cannot stress how boring it is having these hunts. The last interesting hunt was one of the very first ones. Hunts have become so repetitive now that the only visible way you could make them less boring at this point would be to make it revolve around PvP ONLY You continue to do new things for hunts, I'll give you that, but what does it revolve around? Cat cafe and luck. Also, you're starting to ruin gifts now even which didn't seem possible. Relax with all of this crap. What's the point of giving us stat items when you try to kill wars and promote a passive approach of gameplay? What's the point of tiers anymore? I really hope you read this and give the community some word on your neglect towards PvP, not just some basic "people like hunts" response.
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