Discussion in 'Best Of' started by RevolutionaryWolf, Mar 31, 2014.

  1. Lol one of your best
  2. awesome this was so freaking funny
  3. I really like your comics 
  4. totally can relate to this, lol
    nice comic XD
  5. U killed the other team 
  6. lol the jock strap momment hahaha.
  7. Imma just move this to Best Of...for... reasons...
  8. ^ lol okay. :lol:
  9. I miss my old name :)
  10. Can u make a story of my life now?
  11. Good job wolf this is how most wars are
  12.  ? the story of my life ??
  13. wana hear a cute story? i joined beta war this week and it was mess, noobs doesnt know what hit means they focus on ed and pranking dnt even ask me why, no one report incomes, no targets set on ca, infact ca said remeber hide money as if those noobs were even making money, when i asked them to farm their top hitter to dtw i was faced with 2 question what does farm mean and what does dtw means
    and at one point memebers started attacking each other thinking its abt money made during war not by who u attack yeah beta war stories here is a real one
  14. my last beta war was mess, ppl were only talking abt whats better to hide cash in atm or tuts or pots, wasted times in ed and prank and many where wondering wht they are being hit !!!!
  15. Lol @ people's stories about war noobs. Lol @ op's comic.
  16. Indeed
    So excited, much fun.
    Very hero, much wow.
  17. oh my god this made my morning