Advanced coloring coding guide

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by iEx, Aug 11, 2013.

  1. [color=0008gj] o_O Lets see if these random letters/numbers work [/color]
  2. Nope. Wait. I forgot the hex.
  3. They do :D
  4. [color=#000ghf] o.o [/color]
  5. Except its only 0-9 and A-F. J would make it not work.
  6. #0376a0
  7. Very nice job, but people are lazy lol
  8. Damn -.- Invalid numbers.
  9. Any letter past F in the alphabet will cause it to fail since hex only goes up to f.
  10. I would use it if i wanted a specific color.
  11. Yeah warrior  At least a few people are trying.
  12. This is also useful if you plan on making a website from nothing since this is how all HTML is coded. Everything from background color, font, link colors, etc is coded this way. To convert this into HTML format instead of Bb code format takes about 2 seconds.
  14. Good job lol
  15. I are the smartest. :D

     But seriously.. I'm very proud of myself.