EVENT 🏋️ Ready, Sweat, Go! 🏋️

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Jul 10, 2022.

  1. What so its illegal to hop for lbh and have a life now? 😂😂 get over yourself. Yes i like this hunt. But also this is just a game. Im not gonna lose sleep or not do the things i need/want to do irl for it
  2. The players are the reason shard avis exist. Keeping on bitching and moaning wanting to be able to trade avis. Thats the compromise without having to shut down the game and recode how everything works.

    People are always asking for more. The work load has reduced for the well-being of the staff. Dont get me wrong. There has been alot of low quality drawings. (Pst...using a color wheel to help with picking colors that work together helps. Those are colors that are beside or directly opposite each other).
    But can see that they are at least trying to figure things out. New artists came in not long ago i think coz the style seems to have changed a bit again.

    I think most people are getting turned off coz the game is becoming very kid attractive with the art style and color choices. This style is generally only liked by kids and ND brains. Which is the minority of the world.

    Its impossible for them to make something that everyone likes coz people like different things. Gotta keep that in mind
    Arsehole and LeeJarrett like this.
  3. I also have no interest in joining a premium club. I have more important things to spend my money on
    DM-Brute-The_Drunk likes this.
  4. Imagine thinking we shouldn't have a gym hunt because only a small majority of people like it

    But that's none of my business 🐸🍵
  5. The minority arnt allowed anything now aparently
  6. Oh jaysus… TikTok gym has arrived on PIMD
  7. I think people are also forgetting that those who don't like a hunt are more likely to be vocal then those who do like it. I know many people who do enjoy this hunt but don't normally comment on forums anyways, so saying "ObviOuSLY PeoPle DonT liKe iT bEcauSe lOok aT tHe fORuM cOmmeNts" when the comments are a VERY small portion of the player base and doesn't properly reflect the community's opinion as a whole.

    That's not to say I think ATA is perfect. There's definitely been hunts that I personally think they could've done better, but I've seen people beg for furniture and hunt boxes of the same hunts I dislike. As long as there are people who do enjoy it, who cares if I enjoy it?

    I also think it's weird that people are essentially upset that they dont want to spend money 💀 I'm so thankful there hasn't been a hunt I super enjoy because that means I save my money and time. A recycle hunt? Say less, ill go buy some sushi instead 🤠
    --Tifa, OmiWun, HerGrace and 3 others like this.

  8. Oh god I wholeheartedly agree. The people who wanted to trade Avis were just morons who doesn’t understand the concept of you had to be there in order to get them. 3/10 times the shard Avis are better than any of the Avis they produce for hunts.

    I’m not really worried about items, I just want decent male Avis. I don’t give a fuck about the theme, I just want good male Avis.

    This hunt is pretty decent compared to the last few.

  9. Look at the ads they run. You can match with 2 Avis and have a baby and a whole lot more. They’ve been targeting a younger demographic for unbeknownst reasons as to why.

    You’re not going to make everyone happy with every hunt but when it becomes consistently terrible it questions if they do it deliberately because they know people will still spend $$$ or do they just not want to actually try? There’s a whole bunch of mythos that they should do, comics, and whole bunch of shit they could do but they refuse to do it? They’ve ripped off hunts and Avis before what’s stopping them from Doing it again, you know?
    bbg likes this.

  10. The people who are most vocal about not liking a hunt is because it’s constant theme. They just take a stab in the dark and hope for the best. I would like a 3 week hunt where they can collect ideas, do mini stories and whatnot. They put time and effort into things that aren’t important like the whole Convo you press through when starting a hunt or a story. It’s just nonsense.

    I know that ATA can’t have a home run every hunt but the people that like the shit hunts just doesn’t make sense to me. They’re praising them for copying an old avi style?
  11. I know ATA is a business and they need to make money so they put the best Avis in the boxes, shards and whatnot but when they’ve just straight out decrease the standard of both male and female avis it becomes insanity. It’s doing the same shit over and over again.

    the reason why people that hate the hunts are more vocal is because it’s a minority of people that’s willing to criticise ATA. They deserve criticism and feedback, and if they’re not up to it, why have survey’s you know? I know most people who voice their concerns don’t offer ideas or submit actual suggestions, so it can become stale if it’s the same people hating on hunts over and over again.
    SpookyPeach likes this.
  12. And ATA isn’t perfect nor are we but if we’re paying they bills they at least should be open to feedback. You raise a ticket to summit a suggestion and they say post in on forums or discord which the Devs don’t use. People can enjoy hunts because they’re entitled to their opinions but when you have people who have genuinely good ideas or great designs that will leap at the opportunity to work with ATA but the devs continually dismisses your ideas it just dampens the creative people within PIMD.

    sorry for my essays.
    Delight likes this.
  13. Ive literally never seen a pimd ad before so i cant say anyhow about it
    Arsehole likes this.
  14. I'm not disagreeing that they don't repeat certain ideas and I agree they could do more creatively while also integrating more ideas from the player base.
    With that being said, we don't see the survey results. For all we know, hella people can vote that they enjoyed a hunt when you'd think it was a fail. Hence why we may have repeated similar content released-- I don't think ATA would purposely release content that was previously rated 1-star because as you said, they need to make money.

    I think overall, the fem avis they've been releasing really aren't bad, most are pretty decent. However, the masc ones are def lacking (*cough* let's not even mention the pure removal of a masc 32 coin avi *cough) and definitely something they need to work on. Which is why I find this current hunt to be decent, they did make more masculine avis like people were wanting and I personally find them more appealing aesthetically than they've been past hunts.

    I do miss when they would take week breaks between hunts and I do think they would largely benefit creatively if they were to bring that back. I also agree they focus on the wrong things sometimes, the amount of extra content they produce now vs. 2017 is kinda unnecessary and is probably a huge factor on why the main hunts haven't been hitting.
    Logan, Arsehole and -P_M-Juss_Swagg like this.
  15. I want to point out I'm glad I'm not the only one who's noticed how shiny things have been getting. It's getting hard for me to enjoy the game because the new stuff is just so shiny and colorful in comparison to older stuff. It's like watching a 1999 episode of spongebob and then watching a 2019 episode 😂
  16. Noticed a "dem gains tho" drop from a non potd, is this hunt related?
    0UnnieAu likes this.
  17. No. Read the thing in mollys corner
  18. what does it say? it disappeared for me
  19. Its a special event. The more you collect the better ec deals you can get. Ends august 2nd