PROMO 🍂2X Invite Party Promo🍂

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATA-Will, Sep 14, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]

    Enjoy 2x Cash Payout from all Equinox Your Socks Off Invite Parties, from NOW until Tuesday, September 26th @ 12PM PST!

    This Promo will end as of Sept 22nd at Noon PST and be replaced with our ATA DAY 5X Promo!

    Please Note: This promotional bonus does NOT apply to Cat Cafe or Dog Star Parties.

    PLEASE NOTE: Invite Parties started between 12:00PM PST and 12:15PM PST on September 22nd may not receive the correct Drops/Cash right away.

    To make sure you earn the proper amount of Cash/Drops, we will re-run the payouts for these parties as soon as we can after 1:15PM PST on September 22nd, but it may take longer, so thank you for your patience in advance!

    Gilded Lead Invites are more valuable, but probably not as tasty
    #1 ATA-Will, Sep 14, 2023
    Last edited: Sep 22, 2023
    Muschi and Molly-Mae like this.
  2. I feel this should've been posted when hunt started, as I saw the parties were already 2x, unless that was a glitch 🌚
    Cromboloni likes this.
  3. Yes,
    To clarify this technically started at the beginning of the hunt, so for the delayed communications and any confusion!
    Muschi and Li like this.
  4. So the ones that can't afford to do invites are just left behind?
    SweetB00 likes this.
  5. Yes. It has always been this way.
    SweetB00 likes this.