LIMITED-TIME CONTENT 🌸Natsu Matsuri Raffle!🌸

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Jul 30, 2023.

  1. [​IMG]

    How does it work?

    It's the same as any raffle -- you buy a ticket and win prizes!!!

    There are THOUSANDS OF PRIZES that have a chance to be won by all participants! If you purchase 12 tickets, you'll be guaranteed a prize!

    Tickets will be available to purchase until August 15, 12:00 p.m. PST!
    Rewards will be sent to all winners at 12:00 p.m. PST on August 17!

    Prizes will be dropped right into your Rewards Inbox!

    What's new?!


    What Can I Win?!


    What's in the Box?



    Where can I buy tickets?
    In the Molly's Deals/ Offers section of the shop!

    How much do the tickets cost?
    EC tickets are 9 ECs for 1 ticket, 42 ECs for 5, or 96 ECs for 12 tickets! You can purchase an unlimited number of EC tickets!

    Can I win more than one prize?
    You can only win one of the Grand Prizes. There is no limit to the runner-up prizes though!
    EG. If you win the Grand Prize Finale, you can't win Grand Prize #3.

    How are the winners picked?
    It's a raffle, so the winners will be randomly picked!
    We will be using a random number generator to make sure everyone has a fair chance.
    The Grand Prize Finale will be drawn first, then Grand Prize #2, and so on and so forth.

    Are the Raffle Boxes tradeable?

    Are the stat items tradeable?
    They are!

    If I win an avatar pack, do I have to choose which avatar?
    No, if you win an avatar pack, you get both the Femme and Masc avatars.
    If you win a VIP Avatar pack, you get all 4 avatars (VIP and non-VIP, Masc and Femme)

    Is there a chance I won't win anything?
    Winning isn't guaranteed, it's purely up to chance! If you purchase 12 tickets though, then you are guaranteed at least one box!

    Are the avatars or items in the raffle available anywhere else?
    No, these avatars and stat items are exclusive to the raffle!

    Where can I get the Best Deal's on EC's before I buy tickets?
    You can find the best deals on EC Bundles in the PIMD Web Store!

    Do it for Mary Swanson.
    Fantastic, Hales, Miley and 18 others like this.
  2. this slays but i cant locate where to buy tickets
  3. I like these raffles but this seems a little contradicting, no?

    “There are THOUSANDS OF PRIZES to be won with guaranteed prizes for anyone that purchases a ticket!“

    “Winning isn't guaranteed, it's purely up to chance! If you purchase 12 tickets though, then you are guaranteed at least one box!”
  4. Am I interpreting this wrong? The first quote makes it seem like you’ll win SOMETHING if you purchase one ticket. The other quotes makes it seem like you’ll only win something IF you purchase 12 tickets.
  5. Can yall extend this for another week for ppl that dont get a paycheck every week :(
  6. No cash raffle this time?
  7. Close your app and reopen, they're at the top of Molly's Deals 😊
    LadyLush and iArchie like this.
  8. Umm if the wins aren't guaranteed, you guys better give refunds to ppl that don't win anything. I refuse to throw my ecs away for NOTHING
  9. dudes always ug smh
  10. Not really a fan honestly so won't be wasting ec 🤷‍♀️
    LadyLush, Bambi_, Anjo and 5 others like this.
  11. As a Japanophile… I love the items/avis! Buuut this is yet another pay to play ploy. In this economy? Come on. Used to be able to escape the real world with this game…
  12. If u don't win anything will our ecs be refunded ? 😂I don't trust my luck
  13. The misc items are cute, but I cannot say I am much a fan of the skins this raffle.

    Also, no cash entries?

    Players must spend IRL cash for a possibility of winning, or spin their lives away in hopes of an EC.

    I do know raffles aren't always guaranteed to win, but everyone should at least be guaranteed an entry.

  14. Contradicting indeed! 😂
    They should've put
    Thousands of prizes to won,
    but there are millions of players, so try your luck! 😉 🤣🤣🤣

    Kidding aside the stats are lit! me likeyyyy 💗💜
    Scrupulous, Ethy, Yustyna and 15 others like this.
  15. Is so pretty 🤩
    Lumi likes this.
  16. This is nice fr🫢
    Peachydoll likes this.
  17. All the people that spend big amounts of money on this game are gonna eat this up
  18. Why is Asian stuff always priced at a premium :/
    Is my culture a luxury??
  19. I like that there are more prizes overall like 499,999 for more people
  20. Love the stuff! But why can't we have the option to just buy it straight up in-store instead of hoping we'd win, competing with thousands of other people 🙃 raffle could've been offered side-by-side with the actual in-store purchase. I don't like the idea of throwing a ton ECs into this with a close to zero chance of getting a grand prize.