️ [GUIDE] Main Thread - Furniture Prices + Questions ️

Discussion in 'Guides' started by Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia, May 28, 2018.

  1. Furniture Pricing + Questions

    UPDATE: Please note that these prices have not been updated in over a year. Use your best judgement of what prices might be. To those who continue reach out through wall, msg, or gifts, I will neither respond nor help you determine prices because
    1) I’m not updated on these prices myself
    2) I have asked many times to not be contacted

    When I made this thread, I was very invested in furniture. However, I'm extremely busy now. As a result, I'm not active and don't know furniture prices or sets anymore. I don't want to give you all the wrong prices and would like to not be flooded with furniture questions! Thanks all 🥰

    I figured since I’ve seen quite a few threads asking for prices of various furniture, there could be a singular thread where people can ask about the prices... and hopefully people will stop creating a thread each day for a singular furniture question! )):

    If you’re looking to understand furniture and how to upgrade it, check out this
    Furniture Guide Thread

    Level 1 Furniture Approximations:

    Floor/Wall/Poster/Above Desk: 2 to 4 chibis
    Above Bed/Lamp/Nighstand: 5 to 6 chibis
    Above Plant: 6 chibis
    Shelves: 8 to 10 chibis
    Chairs/Plants: 12 to 15 chibis
    Rugs: 20 to 25 chibis
    Bookshelf: 1 bento
    Beds: 1 to 3 bentos
    Desks: 3 to 4 bentos
    499: 5 to 8 bentos
    999: 13 to 25 bentos (huge range)

    I’m not 100% sure with these prices, but it offers a general approximation! 

    Furniture sets like the co-z (especially this one), brotein, stujo, petit four, and VIP ones may be more expensive among other highly demanded hunt furniture.

    You can expect the cheapest full room at level 1 to cost around 30 bentos and the most expensive hitting 100+ bentos.

    Ask away if you have any more specific questions and hopefully someone will be able to offer a better answer.
    I also highly encourage y’all to try prices out on your own if you’ve asked a few times! You can always ask is ____ a good price for _____, and I can help verify or correct you. This thread isn’t just to ask for prices; it is also to help y’all become independent with pricing.

    If you think that there’s a better estimate than what’s listed above, let me know! ?

    Please note that attempts to msg me will result in no response. Furniture questions stay here, not all over my gifts, walls, and PMs!

    my bb coding is v rusty. i apologize in advance )):

    UPDATE: for all those asking, I have no intention of updating this thread, any side threads, or answering furni questions (mostly bc I’m not updated like I used to be when I traded), sorry! It’s taken up over 50 hours of my time in the past. I don’t have that extra time anymore!! Thanks for understanding fwends ?
  2. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Congrats ?
  3. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Nice colours and stuff
    Isnt there a price guide thread already or is that old
    HEXA likes this.
  4. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    o thank you... but um what for?

    huehue thank you & I bumped it for someone earlier but realized it was outdated ): half a year ago so prices have changed.
    Jim900 and -_-SpaceBabe-_- like this.
  5. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Oh kyute

    teach me how to trade, people. ty
  6. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Good job op ? some of the prices can go even lower/higher, but these are nice guideline prices
    There’s a few scattered around (or as comments), but they seem to be outdated or really hard to find haha ?
    SpoopBee likes this.
  7. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    No support. Let me rip people off in peace :/
    Jk. Thanks for this. Should be helpful in a broader sense.
    ApisMellifera and Jaey like this.
  8. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Thank you Lily ?

    We don’t talk about ripping people off or lowballing in public ?
    AcidBurn23 likes this.
  9. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Thank you for this updated guide.?
    Jim900 likes this.
  10. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

  11. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    i disapprove prices
  12. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Just cause you don't know how to evaluate something, doesn't mean your ignorance is common
    StrongDreamer and AcidBurn23 like this.
  13. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    nice thread carol 
  14. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

  15. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    What’s my bed worth?
  16. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    its called opinion dumbass
  17. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    ? so hm would VIP furniture range?
  18. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

  19. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    Above beds and nightstand go for 10c more like, and I believe the 499ecs have a much wider range(4-12 bentos?), but I don't buy those myself. Good work updating and putting this together! :)
    F8xTheyCallMe01 likes this.
  20. Re: ️ Thread for Furniture Prices Questions ️

    I know there was a reply on a thread that listed prices of vip furn but for general knowledge, vip furn is 3x the price of normal furn. At least a bento for smaller pieces such as wallpaper/floor, shelf items,etc.