⭐️ STAT/MISC Prices + Questions ⭐️

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Corgi, Mar 21, 2021.

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  1. INTRO:

    Hello there! This will be a thread that I hope will serve as a resource for any player who has questions about the many Stat/misc items in this game!

    Here you can ask about stat items, spinners, vip box items, and more. I encourage others who know prices to add their opinions should they want.

    I have price check group chats where I double check any unfamiliar items, and if I give an incorrect price then feel free to call me on it!


    Just like the Furni Price check thread, all you have to do is ask what an item is priced at!

    If it is a stat/misc item, please provide the stat value. If you know other facts about it, those can’t hurt! For example: Hunt name (if known), is it a leaderboard item, a Vip Box item, or from a story pass?

    (I.E. How much are the 250kcs Cerulean Worry Beads? It’s from the Greek Mosaic Hunt)

    *I am in the US server, so price checks from me may not reflect the value Asia pub/campus places on the same items

    The Furni Price Check Thread can be found here:

    Furni Price Checks
  2. Thanks for making this! I know you’ve been wanting to, so I was looking out for it. People didn’t have a place and would sometimes ask in the furni thread so I hope with this more people can interact on prices for stats and have better understanding of them :)
    Corgi likes this.
  3. Aww, thank you so much for the support! I always feel bad ignoring the stat/misc questions in the Furni thread, but I didn’t want to promote unrelated things in that thread.
    Hopefully this will help ^.^
  4. Moving this to Questions/Feedback since this doesn’t give enough info to be a guide (you can check the similar Furniture Guide for reference on how a guide like this would look)

    Feel free to add and talk with me tho, if you’d like you can make it into a guide and I can add it in for you! :^) 👍🏼
    -_Seraphina_-, Day and Muschi like this.
  5. I don't even understand how people categorize items anymore.
    6ix9ine and Muschi like this.
  6. Your furniture thread link is broken.
    Muschi likes this.
  7. Price check for chia poodles 2mcs please
  8. 28c
  9. Thank you
  10. I need a price check on all the VIP Champagne combinable items
  11. You want people to write the prices for 80 different items for you? In a thread that isn't related?
    6ix9ine likes this.
  12. First of all you didn’t need to be rude second it says stat items and they are stat items and third if you read in the intro it says vip items hmmm so I guess it is related and if you don’t know the prices then you should have kept it moving and let someone who knows answer
  13. VIP avatar items aren't really considered to be stat items, no more than chibis or bentos are. I would assume the VIP items mentioned in the original post would be the more traditional stat items that are inside the VIP Champagne boxes, such as Doberma'am.

    Finally, I think it was more rude to ask (and you didn't really ask) for an extremely long price list without even saying please. A price list of that nature would require making an entire guide (or updating the guide that is already dedicated to VIP avatar items), and while it would certainly be helpful, it is a lot to just flat out request. I myself did not intend to be rude so much as display shock at all you were asking. And even still, it doesn't seem like you understand how much work goes into compiling that sort of pricing information for something so vast as "all the VIP avatar items."
  14. How do we get vip avis?
  15. buying vip for a week. To get shards to create a normal and vip avatar. People sell the parts to create a avatar.
  16. Price check for the “Ham-robics hamster ball” please
  17. price check on palette the unicorn🥺🥺
  18. Price check 'Wedding Rings' 6mcs single, please. Thank you
  19. Price check on 3mcs “Outdoor Restaurant Sign” and 3mcs “Deviled Egg Basket” singles please
  20. Looking for a price check on every stat item ever made Plz dont reply with rude response like Muschi did earlier ...
    Gummy, FaeRae and Sirrracha like this.
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