
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Kefo, Jun 18, 2018.

  1. Okay so yeah, I guess this is an exciting milestone for me because Wyatt said you become a forums veteran after 10k posts... I disagree, but yeah...

    Maybe a Veteran Juggernaut.

    I'd also like to use this as an excuse to say some things about forums as a whole so if you're a... have a read.

    I'd like to talk about what it means to me to be a part of this community.

    "What it means"? What sort of sentimentality is this?

    When I was a wee little nooblet, milling around, doing jobs instead of parties because I didn't think the developers would make their payout so much worse than parties, I discovered the forums.

    I don't remember much of my early days but I know I made some very cringey little threads which some people liked, and some people disliked.
    at least some people liked them :D

    I guess I must have liked being liked so I stuck around more, and the thing I enjoyed most of all was seeing the willingness of people to rant on, praise, and debate random topics ranging from the implications of updates to hair colour.

    People would talk about the most random stuff with humour and passion, and I liked that.

    I guess I didn't see much of that in my daily life or something. I don't know.

    What I do know is that I love debating, and would cling to opinion threads or any I had an opinion on. I relished any and every opinion I could test.

    On top of all of that, being in forums taught me to play PIMD better.
    People share their tips, make guides, or simply talk about how they play.
    It was, and still is to this day the best community of mentors on this game, or any game I discovered prior.

    I felt weird owning a club after playing for only a few months, and incidentally teaching people, who had been playing much longer than I had, new things.

    I'd like to use this thread to plug the thread I haven't been working on too.

    Initially an attempt to outpace spenders, supplementing my income with profitable item trades/flips became my favourite thing to do on here.

    Negotiating prices, and knowing the values of items better than others is thrilling to me, and a lot like debating.

    I'm reaching a stage where I have noticed a severe lack of information regarding the value of items, and I would like to share what I know.

    It will take a lot of time and effort, and it may be the case that nobody will care or pay attention, but I'll work on my guide anyway.

    On top of these activities, there is the community
    often cited at the best part of the forums.

    I really like this community.
    I can't list every significant name from the forums community, and it keeps on growing, so if you've ever been active, contributed, and are reading this, I'd like to thank you for being a part of this community.

    Many people talk about the downfall of PIMD and forums in tandem as familiar faces fade, a.t.a worsen (seriously) the quality of PIMD, and the culture changes...

    Yesterday ToeKnee quoted some scandals from the past which haven't been surpassed... and I sometimes wish there was a bit more pettiness, some UN-Rico beef, or some scandal.

    But I think there will be more to come.
    There are so many sfw's and scandals in this growing game, and I feel it's only a matter of time until the active topics section is kissed with pettiness.

    The forums community has apparently matured, and it isn't necessarily worse, just different.

    Recently the forums have seen new lifeblood added to the mix. Some people try to claim responsibility for this, but really at the end of the day, the responsibility is all ♞mine♞. Forums is experiencing a revival, and it will very probably surpass (in zaniness) the times which people miss most.

    I personally think we need more AMA threads, and debate threads to keep forums alive.

    I get the impression that people enjoy every character who joins... and this post is a dedication to anyone that can contribute to the lifeblood of this community.

    I have heard about the army of self-identified "forum lurkers", and whenever I check a thread from my computer, there are always so many people reading the forums who never post :')

    I hope more people stand up and posts their opinions, or art, or jokes, or whatever.

    I'ma turn this into an AMA thread now. Ask me anything. and you guys can discuss/debate stuff too.
    It's also sorta no topic because idk what you guys should post. F to pay respect, gifs, memes, your opinions of me... whatever. Do whatever. Idc
    (just no politics politics plz).

    I binge watched Between Two Ferns, and I'm your bored. Enjoy :D

  2. congrats daddy

    edit: also first
    Voseph likes this.
  4. Support. I actually read the entire thing
  5. so did i
  6. So now that ive read everything twice
    Do you actually play/know what warhammer 40k is or was that pic just random ?
    Voseph likes this.
  7. Congratulations on reaching your 10k. I see you a lot through the threads which is crazy and you do put yourself out their when debating on things but you also are good at what you do. It is great to hear you find it interesting on what others bring out on the threads and somehow brings something else that you don’t find on a daily basis in the “real life” side. All in all, really great start for debates,
  8. I'm just a few posts behind.
  9. start pcfing
  10. Hey hey. I said that 10k posts makes you a Forum Elite, not a veteran. There's a difference. But I'm proud that you hit 10k so congrats ?
  11. Congrats...retire now

  12. Congrats for wasting time?
  13. Awie congrats, kefo!
    and I read the whole thing☹️ why
  14. You have a terrific behind ?️
  15. Congrats Kefo ️️️️
  16. Too long but congrats.

    also his 'profitable' trades are usually scams, be wary of trading with him if you donut know value
  17. Oh my Kefokochi might still be a thing tbh