THERE'S A BOMB in the house it's ROUND It's CHARBOILED It's furry? It's EGGS TASTE DELICIOUS WHEN HARDBOILED IT'S... •Talkative?! •Smells like the turkey you ate last thanksgiving. •Intelligent •Funny and hilarious and amusing... And it'll be a whim and funny and turkey and hilarious. He'll tell you the latest happenings... What's iOS 5? What's iOS 5? What's iOS 5? What's iOS 5? What's cooking? What's iOS 5? He'll make you burst into laughter... ZhaDan: ---> [Laughter] ^Poke COMING OUT 21.10.11 THIS FRIDAY. What is it? its ZhaDan _______________________________ Are you subscribing? Tell me here and support me! Thanks. If you don't subscribe I'll probably send you an egg... :twisted: IT'LL EXPLODE AND YOUR HOUSE WILL BE FILLED WITH!!... yolk.
To be honest. It isn't. I was at my friends house. I took his phone. Yeh :/ he chased me out of his house and I didn't get to play my FIFA 12 :|