your review for Dead Island

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *SuperSerial (01), Sep 7, 2011.

  1. Please post your reviews for dead island, 1-10. 1 being you wished you used that money to choke yourself instead and 10 being this is the best game EVAR. If you can please include a description, Thanks :3
  2. I give it a :? Cause I haven't played it and I didn't like the whole trailer (really sad )
  3. :roll:

    What was it?
  4. It's the little girl falling off the window reversed
  5. good game I always liked zombie games  I don't play it anymore I just play cod zombies now trying to get over round 43 on moon 
  6. Is it an MMO?
    Or single only?
    I love zombie games too, but I'll stick to BLOPS if it's not kewl.
  7. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I can't get mine til Friday!!!!
  8. -Gasp- You're getting it?

    d O wwwww O b
  9. Ill give it a 7
  10. Raze, stick to the subject or GTFO
  11. And please say if you would recommend getting it
  12. It has it's glitches...
  13. I saw it but didn't really think it looked cool give it a 4
  14. Only of you played it raze...
  15. Ok I'll try it;)
  16. I just watched the trailer, it almost made me cry 
  17. Watch the other trailer that has gameplay in it