your name... mean anything?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Against_the_Grain_, Sep 26, 2014.

  1. Just curious..... How'd you come up with your user name in PiMDland? Any special meaning behind it? How many names have you had?
  2. I go by either Mags or Mars on pimd, so thats why iMars. And the UnderTheSun is because I name changed to this before summer and I wanted a summer name.
  3. Club - favorite super hero - elephant addition per request of HotPants
  4. How does "under the sun" relate to summer, Mars?
  5. Because in Alaska the sun only shines in the summer...
  6. My two favourite numbers represented by L's and i's
  7. Its sunny in summer!
  8. How did I come up with my name? Supply and Demand.
  9. My name....obvs much?
  10. Barcode douche.... Shhhhhh

    Mars..... Interesting.
  11.  Many years ago, my workmates called me Ali. When another girl called Allie started with us, they started calling me Ahli, as my name is Alicia (Ah-lee-sha) :lol: kinda stuck with me 

    And I love Mike.. So.. 
  12. My high school nickname was bird ️
  13. i was looking up at the stars at night so yeah...
  14. I like mike
  15. I was shaving cream but my friends called me creamy so I went with it
  16. My name :lol:
  17. Jay and silent Bob strike back