Your favorite fairy tales/bedtime stories

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by UrAClown, Jun 2, 2020.

  1. If you were read bedtime stories or read them to yourself as a young person, or even if later in life you discovered stories that you like to fall asleep to, share them here, and explain why they meant so much to you. :)

    My favorite bedtime story was the U.S. Constitution. It's a beautiful piece of fiction. My new favorite is the Bible. Now THAT is pure nightmare fuel.
  2. I liked to watch my dad play Silent Hill 2 even though it scared me lol.
    UrAClown likes this.
  3. 🙄🙄🙄
  4. 👎🏾
  5. a long list of active ingredients, with a tall glass of water. Morons.
  6. Oh the one in which Cinderella makes her Step mother dance while wearing metal shoes heated to a mximum so her feet melt and become one with the shoes and she dies because of that.
    This_Is_Jessie likes this.
  7. Stuff from r/letsnotmeet and r/nosleep. It's interesting to see what people come up with. And then there's the mystery of which stories are actually true on the first subreddit 👁️👁️
  8. I just listened to my sesame street tapes while i went to sleep an some other ones i i had a big book thing that had like the tapes with all the stories then the books to read along with it but i never touched the books
  9. [​IMG]

    This is the ones. Wuzzles was my favorite. Then mostly the left sesame street ones i i was scared of the earnie gets lost one idk why
    This_Is_Jessie likes this.
  10. I had a book with Bert and Ernie, something about, "Don't Forget the Oatmeal"