you don't know me!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by kittehwars, Sep 20, 2011.

  1. Post something interesting about yourself here.

    I'll go first.

    When I got my tonsils out (I was very very young) the doctor accidentally sliced my mouth, so now I have I long scar on the right side of my mouth.
  2. When I was young...

    I played in the tv show Barney

  3. My best freind on this game is Kittehwars.

    I bet no one knows that
  4. Ahmm I'm 17 and I Should Have Died At Least 4 Times

  5. How 
  6. 1-Scorpion
    2-By A Car
    3-Fell into a lot rocks
    4-A Car Again
     
  7. I am on a tv commercial. I was tap dancing. You could only see my feet. I'm done dancing now tho. You've prob seen it. (dancing from the heart)
  8. I'm human...
  9. I almost drowned at a kids birthday party when I was 6