Yoga Pants vs. Booty Shorts

Discussion in 'Wars' started by -_A_-Pickle, Jul 22, 2013.

  1. Like some ideas, they are created in a time of boredom.
    I came up with an idea of yet another this vs that war.
    Yoga Pants vs. Booty Shorts.
    Here are some details about the war.
    The declare time would be 11:00pm central time zone. The time of start would be Friday, Aug 2nd.
    Typical war rules
    Will try to be a matched roster war
    However, this is not a set idea, just a potential one. If you would like to participate, post your username and kcs. Myself and a few others will work on the roster.
    Hopefully this idea will create a fun war and create more people that love to war.
  2. Booty shorts for the win.
  3. -DRAMA- 68KCS
  4. -Drama- 68kcs Yoga Panys
  5. Why not yoga booty shortsyou can have them bothyoga booty shorts V jean booty shortslol
  6. Yoga pants. 
    Jake you better be on my side. 
  7. YEAH!!! 
  8. PE-iAshAmBatman 270kcs booty shorts
  9. Drama please stop posting. You may post again If you've changed your username and or upgraded.
  10. Almost forgot to sign myself up.
    Yoga Pants 
  11. Wow bro no need to get all mad about that at least it is keeping your damn thread up
  12. Striped dress over both of those
  13. Change of date to Aug 9th
  14. Booty shorts o: 582kcs
  15. I might be interested. 440Kcs Booty shorts
  16. Yoga pants  i gotta go same side as my wil kitten 