Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Ditzy, May 18, 2018.

  1. This Yanny/Laurel thing is driving people nuts just want to see what you’re all hearing.
  2. Laurel and this is old news.
  3. Neither

    I hear "Reery" or "Yary"
  4. Depends whether I’m listening on my phone or laptop... I hear both.

    Also what Chill said
  5. I’m convinced anyone who heard Yanny is deaf
  6. Depends on your hearing. People process frequencies differently. Some will hear one and some the other.
  7. I have no idea what this is about but i’m assuming it’s some meme like the dress where people argued over whether it was white and gold or black and blue.

  8. Youtube it and you'll find out, if you want.
  9. ah yes, i hear laurel lol
  10. I hear Yanny
  11. On the contrary. The "Yanny" you hear is a high frequency interuption in the recording of Laurel. If you can't hear "Yanny" you most likely have a high frequency hearing loss. Typical in people who work in loud environments or are older.

    That being said, if all you hear is "yanny", try playing the recording over your phone speaker on medium volume, and cover the speaker with your thumb. This mutes the higher frequency and will let you hear "Laurel".

    I'm done with science today.
  12. But why don't I hear either?
  13. I heard Yanny first, then Laurel
  14. My boyfriend and I were listening to it at the same time & I heard yanny and he heard Laurel. He almost died bc we didnt hear the same thing

  15. Your bf is weak if that almost took his life.
  16. I hear both, but the real question is...
