-Yak-Jiu-Leaky-NotoriousPlaya- there is a Ninja in our school That's not him though he just wishes no he maybe a ninja but there is one thing he is good at that's not him either at least I don't think so NOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IS THAT PERSON SCREAMING YOU. where is he. Let's go look for him. AHA FOUND YOU WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING!!!!!!!!! I'm telling nene and Lani NENE, Lani come quick Noah is dancing look damn you Noah now look what you did maybe the screaming ninja just should stick to dancing. He's a bit better at it. just never be a ninja while Playing soccer okay Noah........... A WEEK LATER........................... NOAH WHAT DID I JUST SAYJUST CAUSE YOU GOT OVER THAT SCREAMING NINJA DOES NOT GIVE YOU THE RIGHT TO DO WHAT YOU WANT..... seriously I love this song damn you Noah you lost me. I'm telling Aisha you screwed up my thread Aisha..........................