
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by AaronRodgers, Jul 13, 2011.

  1. Why the hell was my thread locked?!?
  2. Let's start a new one
  3. Cause there's some stupid mods out there ๎Ž๎ƒ
  4. That pisses me off
  5. Aww man just start a new cooler one
  6. Sorry my bad, but no matter wat it would die or be locked. When ppl bump "dead threads" they get locked
  8. I thought it would've made it to 1000 pages๎„ˆ
  9. Not really but...NOOOOO
  10. That frikin stupid! It was an amazing thread
  11. I saw this coming...
  12. It should at least reach 1k!!!
  13. It was the best thread ever ๎‘ you couldve at least waited till 1000 pages
  14. Try it with the old off topic thread Damien
  15. They should've. Then locked it
  16. Someone tell them to unlock it!!