It's embedded in human nature, looks is the first thing a person sees about you. If you're unattractive due to society's current judgement, then you won't get approached and the inside will never make it out. Sorry but it's true.
I agree with ex everyones always like it matters what's inside but that's crap cause looks are everything I wish it was the other's part of humanity
Not true Paul, looks aren't everything. They're the first thing. I could guarantee you I wouldn't be with a beautiful woman if they were mean, cruel, and annoying.
Yes, looks are the first thing. But if the personality is right, it's pretty easy to get past. I've done it twice for two of my ex's. Neither of them were the most attractive people out there, but our friendship developed into something more. And there is a certain beauty in imperfection. Maybe not the "society/media" standard of beauty, but beauty none the less.