
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by FIoccinaucinihilipilification, Apr 20, 2019.

  1. Do any of you believe in the practice? ?
  2. I do, I’ve always wanted to practice it but I’m to busy :/
  3. Same tbh
  4. Personally, I think the human mind is incredibly powerful- more so than most of us give it credit for- and a lot of what we may think is the result of witchcraft, magic or supernatural entities, is simply our minds responding to themselves or responding to our bodies or environments in a way that sort of makes things seem to happen or, on a personal level, actually makes things happen.

    I don't feel as though I will ever be confident enough to say, with certainty, whether or not things like the power of witchcraft actually exist as I don't think humans know enough about the world we live in, but I do think most of it is sort of just our own brains.
  5. For the most part, I agree with Sherily. The brain is powerful, but also limited in it's understanding and capacities.
  6. Let us have our beliefs k : (

    its a joke don’t get mad
  7. I’m related to one of the accused Salem witches so basically I’m a witch plz burn me
  8. Which one
  9. Who is mad...?
    If it is me and I came off as angry, I apologize.
  10. A lot of witchcraft stems from psychology as well, and you’ll notice this from a fair amount of research.

    It can be a spiritual journey to some, and it can be a therapeutic method to others, as everyone’s “craft” so to speak is different.
  11. They meant don’t get mad at the joke
  12. You’re good sherily, idk how what you said would come off as mad to anyone tho
  13. You worded this so well. I 100% agree.
    -_A_-CareBearCrystal likes this.
  14. I shan’t say ?
  15. Hex me ?
  16. I don't believe in witchcraft,
    I only believe in wizardry.
  17. Yerrrr a wizard Kef0
  18. Abigail Williams
  19. I'm a wot?!
  20. I would continue making HP references but I’m not a fan.