Will Cat Cafe spurn new interest in battle list?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _-V-_, Feb 15, 2014.

  1. With the new influx of cash via parties, how does this effect Hitting battle list?

    Easy: more money out for accounts hitting cat cafe.

    So battle list lovers: go search for clubs doing cat cafe, and start attacking!

    Be sure to utilize the ATM to avoid loss of cash from return hits
  2. Hitting people with cash out doesn't increase the money you make hitting them
  3. Players with large reward pay out more than those with "good" or "small" reward.

    All you need is someone hitting cat cafe and you have a whole club of large reward targets.
  4. No1 cares i wil bl regardless
  5. Large good and small rewards are based on the players stats, check in the bl the stats of a large reward player, then go to a small. The large reward players stats will be higher
  7. those in cc clubs are invincible ( not sure if wrotw it correct) they have decent tb, stat items, and avatars
  8. But they can sometimes lack battle knowledge
  9. yeah with my non existant tb, small misc, and terrible avatar i shall kick their huge tb,misc, avatar because they dont know how to war
  10. Yep that’s true
  11. i made a point there ey
  12. i mean, you can though? ive certainly farmed fairies much higher than my alts stats by tracking their offline times and hitting just when they're due to sleep/work etc so they're off but still close enough to pin that i can get through

    there's always a way ?
  13. Agreed, like you for example has a massive af tutor bonus, I managed to land a hit a good couple of times.
  14. yeah fail hit till pin seems good idea if someone wants to waste dns for no reason
  15. when did i say fail hit...?
  16. what do you mean by using smaller alts then
  17. er... re read what i said please?