
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by IDiane_Am-HarleyQuinn, Mar 23, 2017.

  1. Why do people ask for thick,Big boob,Big Butt,Hot,Cute,Sexy over a phone app game? Why do people call others ugly or some other type of insult to looks OVER A PHONE APP?

    I'm just here to find out why because you can't see what we look like over this app unless we give third party app info to see what we look like.

    P.s. Stop asking for third party apps or for people with third party apps in wc it's annoying
  2. Idk about you but I can see how people look like on pimd too I don't need 3rd app
  3. Well with ugly you can say they're an ugly person personality wise.

    But just let them carry on being catfished it's not harming you so just look the other way lol. They're the one who's gonna get silenced for asking for 3rd party info
  4. Cause this game is like 80% little teens who're being struck by puberty so they just WANT IT ALL
  5. Oh and send me 5 of those sticks please, I need them to complete my story thing
  6. Cause everyone likes a phat booty lol
  7. Because imagination
  9. Because of sexual lust, desires and desperation complemented by superiority complex and partnered with the lack of productivity that makes people play this game 24/7

    You done ranting yet?
  10. It was just a few questions on why don't need to be rude about it
  11. In other news, water is wet
  12. because it's a phone app here people have more confidence ya know?
  13. Technically water can't be wet cause it makes other things wet because it itself is the thing that makes things wet  i dont know i heard that from someone. I forgot the rest of the explanation. Just go with it
  14. my account is silenced, am I banned? no message from ATA received.
  15. Cause I want to find a girl with a nice ass

    Is that so hard to understand :roll:
  16. :lol:
  17. ? How good is dat booty though.