Why you still play this game?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by -RADEN_BagusIngarso-, Mar 9, 2022.

  1. Aside from classic reason 'a friend' 😶 what makes you stay in this game for so long mate...
  2. I don’t really talk to others on here anymore. For me it is FOMO and possible addiction? I don’t have fun, I only spend money and waste a bunch of EC sessions. Don’t really trade like when I first started. That was SOO much fun. Miss those days.
    I think another reason I can’t find myself to leave is the amount I’ve spent on the game, which I find to be strange.. hmm
    j0rdan, honeymaren and xDemonx like this.
  3. Muscle memory
    m00lissa and honeymaren like this.
  4. Ok you got me, i was gonna say to chat with my friends but tbh i don't really know why anymore xD maybe because i am still hopeful that the game will improve one day?
  5. Rp obviously 🤫
  6. It passes time
    Ignoring all the negatives, it’s not the worst app/game
    Memories and stuff with people who no longer play, kinda nostalgia and keeps their memories alive
    I have a third party account that I use to document things so to keep up with that I kinda gave myself reason to be here still, pimd followed me so more reason I guess
  7. I came back to say bye to people that i talked to. Next thing ik 1yr later im still here. Idk why im still here. Maybe waiting for the next good hunt? Coz it might be the next hunt and i will never know unless i wait and see. Idk. Will see what happens if i come back or not this time now that ive said bye early
  8. I like good art & collecting lol

    The items are pretty, the avatars are pretty
    and collecting is fun & feels nice 😎

    Simple satisfaction and good feelings are reason enough to spend time doing anything.

    Why do we listen to music or watch television? Draw or read?

    Me is simple ape, me like spend time doing thing that feel good. 🤗
    m00lissa likes this.
  9. I don’t really play anymore. Just admin off and on until I get bored
  10. I tend to take breaks every now and then, but I always come back. It’s a good time waster and it’s not terrible. I have fun with it. Most of my old friends have since stopped playing.
  11. in my 2500+ days or 7yrs of playing here (been inactive multiple times) i just realized i liked the trading aspect of this game or doing business etc tho the only time i spent real cash is for cn. i can upgrade more quickly now and this sparked something for me again
  12. Truthfully?

    No idea.

    I'm just here collecting stuff...

    And building my stats. :)
  13. Well I was gonna say cause of the friends I’ve made on here, but I also love the art and collecting stuff a lot. I’m in a cool club, I like talking to people, helping n00bs is really satisfying, easy and makes you feel good and lll take all the seratonin boosts I can get haha

    also I’ve spent wayyyy too much money on this game to justify stopping playing
    GoddessHailey likes this.
  14. To make fun of those who take this game extremely seriously