why i should be mod

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Gtfo, Jun 17, 2019.

  1. You see mods now days... they get all this hate they have...such an ugly reputation. Well I’m the solution curious George. Throw me in the green tangerine machine I’ll boost community morale! I’ll have the pervs and the fairies getting along in no time! Farmers?! Psh who needs to farm anymore we can build robots and have them tend to the corn! We can make this community one again! CMON GUYS WHAT DO YOU SAY WHO WANTS TO MAKE PIMD GREAT AGAIN?!?!?! #trump2020
    Maddi_Matsu likes this.
  3. #Trump2020 Support
  4. Tyler Trump
  5. When you're mod can you make me mod, too? Thx.
  6. Tyler for bright neon eye killing murderous blasphemous green name
  7. I wanna be a mod too. ? An evil one.
  8. I wanna be Santa Claus then
  9. I've been good boi.
  10. So he can date all the e girls ?
  11. Oh so like every other mod
  12. You can be anything you believe you can be
  13. Fantabulous
  14. Papi for mod 2020
  15. #TylerForMod