Why I hate guys (most guys)

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *Laurel-Ann (01), Sep 7, 2011.

  1. Ya basically the same thing as the pornography thread but different topic...Why I Hate Guys (most)

    Most guys on the internet will see a picture of any girl, and take a SS, then put the caption as "Make me a sammich woman!" or "WHY AREN'T YOU IN THE KITCHEN *****?!?!" It. Is. So. Annoying. Right?

    Reason No. 2
    Well. Uhhhh. No reason. Lol. :/

    The Point
    They do it for a laugh, or to feel good about their gender. Most guys think they are better than girls. Heeeeeccck no. Señoras FTW.


    Post opinion. No hate guys. Thankss. WHERE'S MY SMURFYKINS?!? (aka Charlie202)
  2. Do you hate me? 
  3. No

    You are my amigo.
  4. Shouldn't you be in the kitchen?
  5. Don't push it Green...
  6. Amigo-bump 
  7. "Don't push it green"

    That's not what your mom said last night.
  8. Bwahahahagaha 
  9. She told me to go eat...

    I didn't WANNA.
  10. I thought I was above hate. Thanks for being the only person I've met to hate me.

  11. I am a guy but I understand both your points. I believe that guys who do this dishonor us and need to treat women with respect and dignity. I believe women to be equal with men and at times better. It amazes me how much in this time that guys disrespect woman. As a guy I ask all other guys to be respectful to women.
  13. Thank you Salrion! 
  14. No problem at all.
  15. Everyone I know is for equal rights.

    But if you mean we should be treated the same, you're an idiot. ANY guy I know would gladly treat girls like they were guys, if that was accepted by our society.
  16. I'm posting one on prissy stuck-up girls in a few minutes.