Why Can't Black People Be...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Trendsetting, Apr 9, 2020.

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  1. Q: Why can't black people be racist?

    A: Rasicm is an institution.


    Q: What is racism?

    A: Racism is when laws are set up, systematically placed as obstacles to keep specific groups of people from advancing.


    Black people have never had the power to enforce racism.


    The legal abolishment of racism would help society further advance in many aspects, fundamentally exceeding previous expectations and cultivating a deeper unity within a country or even the world. Change is possible and it originates with you, the people. Squander your differences and unite.


    This message is only intended for positive purposes and to thoroughly elaborate a widely vague misconception. Have a great year.
  2. They've brainwashed you.

    Racism is unjust, prejudiced discrimination and bias based on race or perceived race.

    Anyone can believe bullshit about another person based only on their race, and then treat that person differently because of that overgeneralization.

    What you're describing doesn't supersede or diminish racism. Racists are still racist without institutional power.

    You're describing "Institutionalized racism". Which is a big issue and needs to be tackled. Systems should avoid that kind of prejudice wherever it's present.

    Fighting racism is also a lot more difficult than fighting Institutionalized racism.

    Just don't conflate them or try to justify your own racism by pointing out the existence of institutionalized racism.
  3. This is U.S. not Australia.
  4. There are examples of institutional racism against indigenous people and migrants in Australia.

    Institutional racism isn't exclusive to African Americans in the US.
    LeeJarrett and Muschi like this.
  5. It's Jaco, what do you expect lol

  6. Indigenous people and migrants in Austraia... has nothing to do with racism in the U.S. nor the victims of racism here.

    If you disagree with my blunt statement, then you disagree with it. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Not worth arguing over or explaining if the person doesn't care.
  7. Your racism is so special, just like you.
  8. Good thing I'm black and not racist. I lack the power to enforce racism as well.

    I don't understand why you'd focus on MY posts specifically instead fighting the wildfires. Spring and Summer creep up fast, the hottest times of the year.

    Then again, you can't argue with a racist Australian who makes comments such as "bLaCk gIrLs aRe ObNoXiOuS i dOn'T lIkE tHeM."
  9. You are what’s wrong with the world.
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  10. Y’all really discussing racism on PIMD like it’s going to do anything in reality lmaooo
    Buwbuw and Muschi like this.
  11. I just love how Jaco's first line is "Good thing I'm not racist".

    You aren't a fucking institution. You come here talking about institutionalized racism and how that means that black people can't be racist but if that's the only kind of racism you recognize, then no INDIVIDUALS can be racist either. Only systems.

    Everybody knows what racism is, and afaik you've never cared to hide yours. I thought you were proud of it but apparently you just need an excuse to keep being racist because it wasn't sitting so good on your conscious.

    What an embarrassing, and ugly thing to share so publicly.

    I'd ask a mod to remove this to spare further embarrassment.

    African American people often have the power to enforce racism. Whenever anyone has the power over anyone, they do. Did Barack Obama not have the power to "enforce racism"? He was the POTUS. Literally presiding over all of America for 4 years. Does an African American teacher not have the power over their students to be racist? Afro Americo politicians, doctors, police, sheriffs, public servants, beureaucrats. None of them hold institutional power? Boy wake the fuck up.

    Racism is a personal thing. It's a belief in race theory, and the holding of certain attitudes and prejudices based on that, which are almost always wrong, untrue, unfair ocerveneralizations that rob that person of individuality, and harmfully denigrate them. You don't need government policies to make you racist.

    Systemic racism is where a law, the way things are run, systems' power distribution schemes, and opportunity-producing THINGIES either include implicit racial bias or allow for racial bias to act...
    such as antiquated voting times for elections in America that aimed to reduce the amount of african american people who could vote,
    such as apartheid laws like with Rosa Parks on the bus, segregated Bubblers, segregated study, segregated communities, etc. This is big and being worked on but afaik, pretty much every aspect of thsi that gets reported on and revealed, is later repealed.

    These are the 2 main types but you haven't even looked at any others.

    Spring and summer already passed. Australia is in the Southern Hemisphere which means our seasons are opposite yours... Bushfire season was when the bushfires happened. Gotta wait for December again.

    Jaco delete the thread...
  12. There are plenty of black people in positions of power that are complicit to the enforcement of racism, such as some of the ones that Kefo listed above. Even if black people cannot be racist, there are many that act as agents of those that can be (such as white people), and they should not be immune to criticism just because they are black. Black police officers are just as at fault for the prison industrial complex, police brutality against black people, and other systematic atrocities as any white officer. They should be held accountable for upholding the racist standards.
    LeeJarrett likes this.
  13. LOL WOT IN DA FUQ M8...

    Bruh ngl too early for dis, lemme go eat brekky first.
  14. I wouldn't say police brutality and how fucked the prison system is the responsibility of any one police officer, black or otherwise. Anytime one person has tried to speak out against it while being an officer they have gotten in serious trouble/on occasion been fired w some bogus reason. As long as they're not hurting anyone and they're just tryna make a pay cheque they're fine imo
  15. Don't become a police officer. Police officers have unions that are very adept at getting them out of trouble when they actually commit crimes and need to be punished. The entire system sucks and willingly wanting to be a part of it is wrong. The police officer that gets fired for speaking out against injustice is will earn more respect from me than the person that chooses to continue working and be complicit.

    If you want to make a difference in criminal justice and/or law enforcement, they are other professions that allow you to do that job more efficiently and to also act to ensure there is equity.

    I think it's also important to note that I am speaking strictly from the standpoint of the U.S.A and I am not familiar with the police and prison system in your country of Canada as well as other countries.
    Trendsetting likes this.
  16. Relax lady go buy some game credits and stop crying.

    tru supports business
    Trendsetting likes this.
  17. All cops are bastards
    Muschi likes this.
  18. I thought similarly til I dated someone who had studied to become a cop. Individuals are individuals. Certain professions attract more scummy types than most but not everyone is.
    LetsGoBrandon likes this.
  19. False. All cops are bastards.
    Muschi likes this.
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