why are girls so mean

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SkyDrool, Oct 25, 2011.

  1. Why are girls so mean to guys for no reason?
  2. Cause that "gift from mother nature" that comes.
  3. how are they mean?
  4. Yeah but every day? Y mother nature y
  5. because ur a pedo Josh and girls don't like pedos
  6. Gotta keep you guys on your toes.  no slackin off!

    Actually not all of us are. Just some
  7. Well you just half to meet a nice girl for instance some girls are mean but some aren't mean at all!! (like me)!! cheer up and don't always assume that ALL girls are mean cause I'm not!
  9. @foxy I'm not mean
  10. Ok y are most girls mean and not all guys r jerks
  11. now THAT i agree with
  12. And I'm not a pedo
  13. i meant i agree with foxy
  14. Lol

    Some girls are mean because they hate their life. And some are just plain bitches.  there's many possible reasons. Home situations, how they were raised....
  15. If girls are mean it's only because guys make them that way.. I believe girls are naturally happy until a fudge ball of a guy F's them up..
  16. Haha well let's see 75% of girls are total *** holes and 85% of guys are *****
  17. I wish I knew that that saud Josh *sighs*