Whose your First Pupil ?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by MisterWorldWide, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. If you still remember your first pupil what is his/her username?
  2. God that was almost five years ago LOLOL.

    I donut remember her name, but she was lcbc at the time and she never talked to me. Literally the worst pup. :,(

    At first some really nice guy hired me, Ron72? Bob? Something like that, but he sold me. So idk if that counts.
  3. the only pupil i can only remember is Zoog
  4. No idea. I just remember his ava was the surfer dude
  5. Oh wow, mine was something along the line of iJennFearmoepi.. Can't really remember
  6. -e-FLORIDER-_-Da_champ-is_here-
  7. -AC-Blockey- ?
  8. Mujitsu was my first he got me to 5kcs then sold me to LORD SPETSNAZ who then sold me to and broke my lil heart
  9. My main lol
  10. Idk, He was a good trader though ?
  11. TheWalkingSavage

    (If you read this i love you pupsie )
  12. Idk i was just volleyed by people for some random reason
  13. My current pup ?
  14. nice  you still remember your first pupil. mine i don't remember him its been 3 years. He is such a good pupil
  15. Amazing Hado
  16. No clue but i_____exstar____i and Kayla1990 volley me to 5k 300m ️️ and I was sooooooo grateful ️ Kayla had me a bit longer ️️