Who likes One Direction?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *JaydeHoward (01), Apr 8, 2012.

  1. Do you like 1D? Tell me why? I am just bored,so i made this post.But please respond.You don't just have to tell me why you like them,you could just talk about them!
  2. I dot really like em but, first post! Woo hoo!
  3. The forum is titled Who likes One Direction! So,no haters are allowed!
  4. I'm not a hater, I don't hate em, I've just never heard their songs so therefor I can't like them can I?
  5. Yeah,you didnt seem like one but that message was for future haters
  6. But thanks fot hiring me as a tutor
  7. Hey your cheap, and I've got lots of money
  9. I'm not a jerk  (@your status)
  10. Who called you a jerk?
  11. If you're talking to me, my status wasn't for you.  It was there a longlonglonglong time ago. 
  12. Ok, and why would you care of someone called me a jerk? 
  13. Just asking,gosh! StarShield
  14. LilGoziBear why u here if you dont like 1D??
  15. Andi I'm silenced, so I'm sorry you took what I said the wrong way, I was joking ok? 
  16. Star: oh phew. I thought you were mad or something. Anyway, .
  17. I love One Direction 