who is the best wall art artist?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by EddieDjInsannity, Sep 6, 2011.

  1. I'm looking for some1 to design the art of my new club page. Please show off ur talent here an I will chose who. The theme ofthe art is skulls, or skulls with bones anything that has to do with skulls.

    Please be creative and have initiative. Thanks alot.
  2. I can wall me
  3. Look up Mitchel1998 His wall art is on my wall! He is really good!
  4. 
     S G 
     E V O 
    By: Livi  

    It's hard to 
    Be a diamond  
    in a rhinestone
    world 

    aters 


    Copy right Livi_the_ninja
  5. They got a bit messed up...
  6. Lol thanks alot guys 
  7. 
      
      

      
     ||
  8. The second one is nice but remember is for club page so I want it bigger  lol and no music signs on back xD
  9. Lol GOOD JOB JEAN!!!
  10. Wait... I thought it was Jean not Jace. I'm smart :D lol
  11. Lol yeah i can also write the name if the club
  12. It kinda sucks but:

    Protected and respected

    I used it when I wasn't perm muted on FC
  13. Mam post that on my wall :p
  14. Ok ill think about it bro I'll let u know when ever I create it and thanks everyone.. I'll keep taking more into cosideration so keep posting lol
  15. I'll have to say Nora_Greyheart.. Though I dunno her but she makes very unique and beautiful club arts..
  16. I know Eva I'm her friend and she said she will do it but she has been busy so I was trying to find some1 to do it in mean time 
  17. .
    . . . . 
  18. . . . . . . . . . . . .
  19. 