Where is the Room Guide?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Redzie, Oct 21, 2017.

  1. Is the only way an average hard working member of pimd can get a piece of good furniture is by giving up their bento or just by chance receiving it from the maybe 3 max free box they receive from completing parties?

    The world is always going to be about the haves and the have nots. Even in your virtual fantasy world.
  2. You can also buy them in the store for ec
  3. ?
  4. You can trade mcs items too :/
  5. Kiss ass and maybe someone will donate you some furni :)
  6. Oh where’s my furni??
  7. that's uh....how items work, yea
  8. Can a have-not, have?
    There are only thinkers and think-nots. ?
  9. I like how you don't want to give up some pixel items for some other pixel items.

  10. I guess I can collect ec but by time I collect enough the good items might be gone.
  11. try collecting change on the corner then since u cant afford the $6 for ecs
  12. You're one of the people that owes me some pixels tbh ?
  13. We can't all live almost completely off the government like you.
  14. Lies.... :roll:
  15. Wow  lol
  16. "Maybe"
  17. wasn't aware either of the jobs in my 70hr work week were for the gov't, thanks for shedding light