where is it?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by RainInMe, Jun 6, 2019.

  1. My main story is missing 

    Anyone knows? Or...
  2. Most people seem to be having this issue, it should be fixed soon
  3. Problem seems to be happening with everyone.

  4. I still see it
  5. They are gone for those who finished the first side story. My alts didn't so they still have them. But those who finished the first side story don't
  6. Only noticed mine were gone when I opened up a box and they haven't been added into my main story
  7. Same yo
  8. I havent finished the first side story line so can't be it, but I probs just an update and they'll be back shortly I guess
  9. Restart app. They've returned!
  10. Restart and it should fix ?
  11. Yes!! Requesting lock ?‍♀️
  12. I just used my carepack but it didn't double my money plunder. It is still on effect but no changes.. fćk
  13. Actually.. I didn’t get no drops also lol
  14. Sounds like a different problem, try sending a help ticket?