where did softball4everrrrr go

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *wullyboy (01), Aug 31, 2011.

  1. If ur on go on this softball4everrrrrrr
  2. *puts gun away*

    I have no idea where she went 
  3. Lol Olson how r u
  4. Not Olson no idea why that came up lol n I ment to put *ok how r u*
  5. She's been on. Her and I have been fighting almost once an hour
  6. Lol ok bout wat
  7. Not really sure...
  8.  she's back!!!!!! It's all good!!!! Call the dogs off!!!
  9. Lol ok whistles dogs back
  10. I only been off for like 4 min and you already made a thread about me. Lol.
  11. Did she die or break her iPod lol jk
  12. Lol. Playstation. 
  13. How did u make the writing blue
  14. Lmao I feel so loved. 
  15. Softball 
  16. Yay Softball is back :D
  17. Damn I forgot my gun dosent work on mortals. I'm dumb
  18. Lol I'm neo from the matrix I can't b killed anyway