When Opposites Attract

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by PieSexual, May 6, 2012.

  1. This is a HTF (Happy Tree Friends )Fan Fic! I suggest you guys watch the show! (It's sorta violent  be warned before you decide to watch )
    Anyway, enjoy the story! The characters are humanized. 

    I sighed, looking out the window of the moving truck, irritated that I was stuck in traffic. The glare of the sun made it hard to see outside, and instead, I saw my reflection. My long, spiky red hair tumbled down to my back, and I attempted to keep it under control with a few clips here and there. Some of my friends envied me for it, I had no idea why, it was almost impossible to tame. They also liked my light red eyes. I hated them, I looked like a monster. Or a bad picture with the red-eye effect.

    The honk of an aggravated driver jolted me out of my thoughts, and I quickly started to drive the car again, a blush flooding my cheeks. I managed to keep my hands steady on the wheel, knowing I was driving a huge moving truck with the ability to wipe the other cars out of existence with one mistake. I had decided to move out of the city, tired of... well, everything about it in general. It was too noisy; I could barely hear myself think (I thought to myself a lot) and it wasn't the safest place for a clumsy person like myself to live anyway. That and I had a major case of anxiety.

    So for the sake of the others around me, and myself, I moved to a nice small town. Where it would be quiet, and most importantly; safe. I turned off the highway onto an exit, and smiled lightly as I read a sign indicating the town was only two miles away. I felt myself allow the car to accelerate, and I quickly made my way down the surprisingly empty exit. It was strange; the town, Happy Tree, in the pamphlet looked wonderful. Who wouldn't want to live here? Or at least visit? I thought, pulling onto a residential street. I stopped the truck in front of a white house, which had a red door, window shutters, and roof... in fact, every accent and decoration it bore was red. That was why I decided to buy the house; red was my all-time favorite color.

    I stepped out of the truck, and sighed, heading to the back to begin unpacking. It would take a while. I slowed my movements as I took the first box, glancing around. I had the oddest feeling that I was being watched-

    "Oh my goodness! A new girl!" a voice squealed.

    I screamed, dropping the box and quickly turning around. An extremely happy girl with pink hair and a red bow sitting atop her head stood in front of me, smiling from ear to ear. She was wearing a frilly white and pink polka dot dress, and it bounced as she hopped up with excitement, clapping.

    "Oh, I'm sorry for scaring you! Do you need help unpacking?" she giggled, peering over at me curiously with bright pink eyes.

    "Ah... I-It's alright." I mumbled, picking up the box again. "Sure, I could use some help."

    This girl was insane! I had never met anyone as... happy as she was. She picked up three boxes at once with surprising strength, and hauled them into the house. I followed after, and set the boxes in the rooms they belonged to, remembering the picture I drew of what belonged where.

    "My name's Giggles! What's yours?" she asked, setting the last box on the floor.

    "I-I'm Flaky." I said quietly, opening up the box.

    "Nice to meet you!" Giggles noticed me struggling to open the box, and she swatted my hand away with a laugh. "Oh, don't worry about that! I'll get Handy to unpack for you!"


    She was already out the door, calling at the top of her lungs. I followed nervously; worried we'd get in trouble for making so much noise on a residential street.

    "Handy! Get over here!"

    A guy I didn't notice before stopped walking down the sidewalk, and he crossed the street toward us. He had bright orange hair that matched his eyes, and wore a perfectly white wife beater, jeans, and a tool belt. He raised a slightly muscular arm to wave, and I blinked in surprise. Both of his hands were bandaged.

    "Hey, nice to see somebody new in this town." He laughed, and Giggles nodded in agreement. Handy looked, and sounded a few years older than us.

    "Hi... I'm Flaky." I mumbled.

    "Handy, can you unpack everything for her?" Giggles asked politely, despite the request being absolutely outrageous.

    "Oh! Giggles he can't do that all by himself!" I protested, only to be interrupted by Handy.

    "It's alright, today's been absolutely boring anyways. Nobody needed any help." he shrugged.

    "O-okay... can you just follow this guideline?" I asked nervously, handing him the picture I drew of the individual rooms. "All the boxes are in the right rooms, I just want everything to be unpacked this way"-

    He took the paper with a smile, and I immediately stopped babbling.

    "Don't worry." Handy said simply, and he walked inside my house.

    Giggles poked me, and nodded back over to her house across the street. It was identical to mine, only everything was pink. I noticed a bubblegum pink Smart Car in the driveway, gleaming in the sun.

    "Now I can show you around! Happy Tree may be small, but it's easy to get lost here." she laughed, dragging me over to her car before I could object. I uncomfortably tried to settle into the miniscule space I had, bunching up my knees. I felt my hair brush up against the car ceiling, and I inwardly groaned, knowing I was too tall for this car.

    Giggles slid into the driver's seat no problem, and started the engine, pulling out of the driveway slowly. For such an energetic girl, she was a safe driver; almost as safe as I was.

    "Agh... I hate driving this slow." she whined.

    I take that back... I thought, clutching onto the seat.

    "Alright, this is the school, Happy Tree Academy. The campus is small, but that makes it easier to walk to class." she laughed.

    "Are those dorms?" I mused, noticing separate buildings off to the side.

    "Yeah, but nobody uses them. Everyone just has their own house."

    The university buildings themselves looked like they were straight out of an Ivy League college pamphlet. The brick seemed brand new, and ivy grew intricately up the sides. The walkways were clean, and kept clear from the leaves starting to fall off the trees, a sure sign fall was on its way. I knew instantly that I wouldn't mind attending tomorrow.

    Giggles drove past the school, and pointed out the grocery store, the mall, the movie theater, a few restaurants and cafes, the flower shop, the library, the bank, the postal office, and everybody's houses- even though I'd only just met Handy and Giggles. I was surprised. For a small town, it had a lot inside.

    She drove in a circle, quickly ending up on our street again since the tour was over, and she was allowed to drive as quickly as she wanted. Once the car stopped, I unclenched my hands from the seat, my nails leaving marks in the leather.

    "That's pretty much Happy Tree! You'll meet everyone else in school tomorrow. Oooh, I'm so excited to show you around school too"-

    "Ah, I think it'll be better if I found my way around myself." I blurted, exiting the car.

    Giggles blinked, and shrugged happily. "Well, alright! See you!"

    She gave an enthusiastic wave as I crossed the street, and I hesitantly entered my house, gasping in surprise. Handy got everything exactly as I wanted it to be. I double checked every room to be sure, and sighed in relief, heading upstairs.

    "Oof!" I winced, tripping over a box near the entrance of my room. I looked down at it, and checked the label. "Undergarments."
    I blushed madly, quickly unpacking the box in my drawer. Handy was a gentleman too, it seemed. After I finished, I quickly changed into a tank top and sweatpants, flopping onto my bed. I wanted to get a lot of rest for tomorrow.
    My first day of school.
    OHMYGOODNESS- *dies* I'll have a lot of fun writing this story! And apparently some of my time's opening up. I've reached the point before testing where we have nothing to do 
  2.  Holy Jesus... just died... HAPPY TREE FRIENDS Sooooooo in love
  4. Oh! Also, none of the characters are mine, and they are all owned by Mondo Media 
  5. It used to be aired on TV.
  6. Happy Tree Friends! Where's the BLOOD! Where's the GORE!
  7. There will be violence and some blood… my fan Fic won't be as graphic as the show
  8. The intestines!Brain! Blood!
  9. I'm so confused. Flaky's antonym would be Diligent...and it seems like one of those anime when it starts out happy then it turns evil and she's killed *~*
  10. LOLWHUT?-
    *as confused as Qin*
    What're you asking? 
  11. I don't even know *~*
  12. The only "evil" character in HTF is Mr. Pickels. But he's a figment of Lammy's mind (Schizophrenia)
    The story's from lil' ol' Flaky's point of view. and what happens when she meets everyone including a certain green haired guy- *dies*

    HTF doesn't have a storyline, since it's all random violence.  but this fan Fic will have a storyline!

    Does that answer your question I'm still confused about? 
  13. I had this chapter written already, I couldn't resist. :3

    The shouts of my alarm clock rudely awoke me from my sleep, and I groaned, fumbling for the off switch for a few moments, before finally shutting it off. I wanted to pull my pillow over my head, but I sat up instead, finally noticing the time. "Crap!" I muttered, pulling on my favorite burgundy sweater. I hopped into the bathroom, quickly brushing my teeth and hair simultaneously, trying not to spill any toothpaste on myself.

    Rushing back into my room, I tugged on a pair of skinny jeans, and laced up my black converse, before throwing a few clips in my hair, and slinging my backpack over my shoulder. I bounded into the kitchen, grabbing a granola bar before hurriedly leaving my house. I didn't want to be late on my first day of school; that wasn't a good first impression at all.

    I inwardly cursed at myself, regretting turning Giggles down for her offer to show me around the school. She'd probably have given me a ride, but now her tiny car was nowhere in sight. With a sigh, I hitched my backpack higher on my shoulder, and started to run down the street. The wind whipped at my face, making my hair fly around wildly. I kept a steady pace anyway, and soon found myself in front of the school.

    I burst into the main building, and a woman at the front desk looked up at me with violet eyes, blowing her short and curly purple hair out of her face.

    "Ah... hi. I'm the new student, F-flaky." I stuttered, struggling to regain my breath.

    "Just call me Lammy, dear." she said politely, and she turned to get a manila file in the desk behind her.

    I waited patiently, noticing a plastic pickle sitting atop her desk. It had a top hat and a pair of googly eyes pasted onto the surface. I arched an eyebrow, poking the pickle to have it squeak in protest. It must have been a stress doll. I quickly withdrew my hand, seeing Lammy turn around.

    "Here you go, Flaky." she said, handing me a schedule. I took it gratefully, timidly smiling at Lammy.

    "Th-thank you."

    She waved me along, with a motherly look of worry in her young eyes. "Go on, now. You're late for class."

    I felt my face turn bright red as I travelled down the halls, searching for my homeroom. Despite my efforts, I was still late for school. I hoped my teacher wouldn't make a fuss about it, since it was my first day.

    After walking down halls and trudging up stairways, I finally reached the door that read Room 208. I opened it as quietly as I could, but everyone instantly looked towards the doorway anyway. I sighed, opening the door fully, and stepped inside. The teacher introduced himself as Mr. S. He was gangly, and had a periwinkle pair of eyes behind thick glasses, with short, well kept hair to match. He also had a very large nose. I struggled not to laugh.

    "Ah, you must be the new student. Class, this is Flaky."

    I was met with a chorus of Hello's and Hi's. The teacher handed me a textbook, and a paper that said: "Welcome To Chemistry: Course 3." So I was placed in the advanced chemistry class. I mean, that was fine with me; I understood everything. But I didn't work well in high pressure situations. Especially the ones that involved explosive chemicals.

    "Why don't you sit over... there?"

    I looked to where Mr. S. pointed, to see an empty lab table. I glanced back at him in confusion.

    "I-It's empty..."

    "Your partner isn't here right now, he left class. I'm sure he'll be alright tomorrow."

    "Alright? What do you mean...?" I trailed off; seeing Mr. S. was suddenly involved in whatever was on his clipboard. I sighed, and walked down the aisle to my seat, feeling everyone watch me as I did so. I let my hair cover my face, averting my eyes from every person in the room for the rest of class.

    I looked over to the other seat, where my partner was supposed to be. Where did he go? And what did Mr. S. mean by "alright"? I thought, noticing a few stray marks on the wooden part of the table. I investigated further, and I saw deep cuts and gashes in the wood. I held back a gasp, inching back in my chair. Whoever my partner was, he obviously wasn't happy in class. What the hell happened?

    I looked back up to the board, and frantically scribbled down the notes that were there in my notebook. The other students were already done with their work, and they idly chatted with each other, waiting for the bell to ring. I finished up the notes, and shut my notebook, only to drop my pencil in my haste.

    I blinked in surprise when I saw my pencil being handed back to me. The boy was sitting at the table across the aisle from mine. His bright yellow eyes looked like stars, almost, and his hair was as yellow as my pencil. He wore a yellow hoodie, jeans, and strangely, a pair of pink bunny slippers. I blinked in surprise at his kindness, taking the pencil.

    "T-thank you!"

    "No problem, Flaky. I'm Cuddles." he said, smiling politely.

    "And I'm Splendid!" the enthusiastic boy next to Cuddles said. He had blue hair and eyes, and a red cape on... did the people here always wear peculiar clothes?

    "Giggles told me all about you yesterday." Cuddles continued, laughing. "You really are shy!"

    I nervously looked away, causing Cuddles to immediately take back what he said, a nervous expression replacing the joking one on his face. "Oh, sorry! I didn't mean it"-

    His apology was interrupted by the bell ringing, and the other students happily leapt up from their chairs, filing out into the hall.

    "I know you didn't." I looked up, twiddling my thumbs. "I-It's alright." I mumbled, gathering my things. Cuddles gave me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry. Everyone here's nice."

    "What about my partner?" I asked curiously, following him out into the hall. Cuddles paused, something flashing across his features that I didn't understand.

    "...most of the time. Just be careful around him, alright?" he asked, suddenly all seriousness.



    We both turned to see Giggles skipping down the hall at lightning speed, her hair flying behind her gracefully. She skidded to a stop in front of us both, and I gaped at her in surprise.

    "Hey Giggles." he smiled at her, and I noticed her cheeks redden slightly before she turned to me.

    "How was your first day so far, Flaky?"

    "Not that bad." I shrugged. Giggles looped her arm with mine, and pulled me down the hall with Cuddles.

    "Great! Because I know something that'll make it better!" she sang.

    Oh joy... "What is it?" I asked, cringing.

    "You're in my next class! Isn't that great?"

    "O-oh. Yeah! Great!" I sputtered, giving her the biggest smile I could manage. Cuddles chuckled at my response, obviously seeing right through me. Giggles opened up a classroom door, taking a huge, dramatic breath.

    "Ah, drama class! Can't you smell the pirated literature? The fake creativity? The washed up dreams? The"-

    "You're adorable." Cuddles said simply, making Giggles turn bright red.

    Well that shut her up... I thought in surprise, smiling at them both before I walked into class. It was obvious they liked each other. Whether or not they made it public, despite how obvious it was, I didn't know. It was my first day in school, and I'd already witnessed some form of drama outside of drama class. To me, that was not a good sign.

    The teacher greeted me quietly, leaning against his desk. His hair was an identical purple to Lammy's, the same with his eyes. But his face looked sort of pale, like he just witnessed a crime. He wore a simple black and white striped shirt, and jeans.

    "I'm Mr. M. But I let everyone call me Mime."

    "Hi Mr.- Mime." I said, not used to calling a teacher by their first name. I could tell he was laid back already. That meant this class was practically a free period, and everyone would probably do whatever they wanted, without getting in trouble.

    I liked him already.

    Giggles quickly walked into the classroom, her cheeks still red, and she sat me at a desk next to hers. A girl looked back at me, and Giggles nodded her over with a smile.

    "Flaky, this is Petunia." she said, laughing.

    "Nice to meet you!" she said politely, and I noticed that she enunciated every word perfectly. With Giggles, everything was a spastic run-on sentence.

    Petunia had long wavy blue hair, with a lighter blue streak going down the middle. She styled it in a side ponytail that reached her midsection, with not a hair out of place. Petunia kept a flower neatly tucked in her hair, and she wore a necklace with a pine tree charm on it. Her eyes were a deep blue that matched her hair. She also smelled faintly of pine car freshener, for some reason.

    "Nice to meet you too." I replied, and she poked at my hair. "...what are you d-doing?"

    "Counting the clips in your hair." she said. I looked to Giggles for help, and she mouthed: "OCD."

    Petunia had Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, apparently. That explained her need to count the clips in my hair. I blinked as she took one out, handing it to me.

    "Sorry about that... by the way, you now have four clips in your hair." she stated, before smiling and turning back to her desk.

    Giggles laughed at me, and I sighed, tucking the clip into my pocket. She hated uneven numbers too, I guessed. Suddenly the door creaked open, and Mime smiled over at whoever stood there. I couldn't see them because the door was blocking my view.

    "Hello! Glad you're back, have a seat."

    A black combat boot stepped out, followed by another. My eyes trailed up to see a green-haired guy clad in... well, almost army gear. He wore camouflage pants, a simple black t-shirt revealing his muscular arms, had dog tags hanging from his neck, and I saw the glint of a diamond stud in one of his ears.

    He turned into the room, and looked at me in surprise, obviously not expecting me to be there. He cautiously walked down the aisle, stopping in front of Giggles' desk.

    "Giggles, who is this?" he asked.

    She blinked, smiling over at me. "That's Flaky."

    "H-hi..." I stuttered as his emerald green eyes locked with mine. He smiled warmly, taking my hand.

    "Hello. I'm Flippy."
    *fangirl scream* OHMYGOODNESS- 
    *ahem* Don't mind me! 
  14. DIED IN A HOLE I SWEAR!!! oh my Jesus, I died at the description of Flippy ps: Splendid *blush*
  17. omg I love thiiis update soon 
  18. Omg Happy Tree Friends