when I was young...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *charlee84 (01), Sep 19, 2011.

  1. This thread is simple really!!!!!
    All u gotta do is put somthin of when u were little and what u did

    Say for instance

    When I was young (5) we used to play kiss chasey and I was known as the kissing queen lol

    Ur turn peeps
  2. ō.ô

    When I was young, I used to cry near a tree stump and became known as Cry Baby Drama Queen. :3
  3. Wen i was young i used to put mud on my face and wear torn clothes and chase my older brother until he went under a table and started crying
  4. Yeah lol but it's not as bad as kissing queen
  5. Oh wen i was 3 i had a "bf" tht was 19... IT WAS FAKE u knw hw well U KNW WAT I MEAN
  6. Haha lol that's a good one smileyface
  7. When I was young..

    I kept annoying my sister..

    So I was known as annoying mama
  8. When I was young I swallowed a AAA Battery  Yeah it was awkward 