What's the strangest punishment you shar with your friends?

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by IH--Bhargav--IH, Apr 12, 2019.

  1. We were supposed to hold our tongue(literally) after we were caught talkin in the class.
  2. Years ago I had this teacher that, if he caught you chewing gum in class he would make you stick it behind your ear for the rest of class. At times got in hair as well ? never happened to me cuz ew but it was a thing
  3. In my English class, if our teacher caught us not speaking English (i speak English as a second language lol) we would have to sing a full song at the end of class, alone, without music, just the lyrics, and it were songs chosen by him hella fun if you didnt have to sing. Painful if you did have to sing
  4. In one of the foster homes I lived in, there were a ton of little boys. On occasion, they would hit each other. Sometimes the one who got hit/kicked/scratched/whatever would tell my foster dad and he would force the one who got injured to hit/kick/scratch/whatever the other kid back and if they didn't he would yell. Never affected me but was fùcked up to watch
  5. When I was little, I would have to wear one of those heavy sand jackets to “calm down” if I did something wrong during class.
  6. In my 11th Grade English Class if you were caught talking with someone you and that person had to act out part of a Shakespeare play and our teacher got to choose the part and roles we would take
  7. Tbh, I'd have purposely spoken in Spanish to sing in public. #dreams #notpainful #lovesinging
  8. Not a personal experience, I saw it on snap. But there’s a college professor that makes you dance in front of the entire class if you’re late, and he picks the music.

    As for a personal experience, I think it was either 3rd or 2nd grade. If you were caught doing something wrong in class you’re seat would be taken and you had to sit on the “T stool”. It was a purple wooden stool with one leg (right in the middle), a flat seat just wide enough for us to sit on, and it was a little too tall so you would have to hunch over the table to do anything. There was one kid that would constantly try to get in trouble just to see how long he could balance on it.